[x264-devel] x264_slicetype_frame_cost

Gabriel Bouvigne bouvigne at mp3-tech.org
Tue Jun 19 16:24:34 CEST 2007


Today's question is about x264_slicetype_frame_cost.
I'm trying to understand what are p0, p1, b reffering to.

I first thought that p0 and p1 could be references to the first L0 and 
L1 frames, and b the candidate frame. However, it seems that this does 
not suit into the cost1p0/cost2p0/cost1b1/cost2p1 naming scheme used 
inside x264_slicetype_analyse.

Could anyone enlighten me about this?


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

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