[x264-devel] Re: [Patch] x264 on ppc without altivec

Guillaume Poirier gpoirier at mplayerhq.hu
Mon Mar 5 15:30:40 CET 2007


Guillaume POIRIER wrote:

> Short of having a way to determine Altivec at runtime, I think it's a
> good temporary solution, but in the end, x264 should just behave like
> x86 does. It shouldn't be too hard.

Weeh! I think I know what the problem is!

134 elif defined( SYS_LINUX )
135 uint32_t x264_cpu_detect( void )
136 {
137     /* FIXME (Linux PPC) */
138     return X264_CPU_ALTIVEC;
139 }
140 #endif

Please try attached patch, and tell me if it fixes the problem.
If it doesn't, please send a complete GDB backtrace so that I can
identify where exactly does it choke.

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