[x264-devel] questions

Fejes Dávid fejesd at gmail.com
Sun Mar 18 19:44:15 CET 2007

Can anybody tell me, what are the meaning of the FENC_STRIDE and
FDEC_STRIDE constants? I've found their declaration, but i don't
understand their functions and why do they differ?
Maybe it's stupid question, but i'm not sure about the second and
fourth parameters of the pixel_satd_wxh function. (int i_pix1, int
i_pix2). Do they determine the size of one pixel in the input data?
They are same at every time, when this function is called?

I want to implement x264 to hardware (with xilinx FPGA-s,  MicroBlaze
or PowerPC, non commercial project). Of course i want change the
slowest parts of the encoder with pure hardware realization, e.g.
calculating hadamard transformed differences. There are anybody here,
who has tried this before? Does anybody know about any similar public
project in the past?

thank you

Fejes Dávid

E-mail: fejesd at gmail dot com
MSN: f.d at freemail.hu
Skype: skype://fejesdavid

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