[x264-devel] [PATCH] pic timing, vui timing info, hrd, and buffering periods

Loren Merritt lorenm at u.washington.edu
Thu Apr 10 09:33:27 CEST 2008

On Mon, 7 Apr 2008, Alex Izvorski wrote:

> - no clock timestamps for each field/frame, in pic struct - how would
> these be calculated from each frame's i_pts when they are in clock ticks
> but the pts is in (presumably) 90kHz ticks?

i_pts isn't even in clock ticks. It's opaque. If we ever need to assume 
some units, that would be an additional assumption to be documented.

On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, Gabriel Bouvigne wrote:

> *cpb_removal_delay should be computed from vbv/cpb:
> Here, the cpb removal rate is either the target rate (cbr) or the max
> rate (in case of capped vbr). If before the current frame the cpb is
> filled by 100kbits and the cpb removal rate is 200kbps, than your
> current cpb_removal_delay should be 0.5 seconds.
> As this is considering the receiver cpb, that means that cpb filling is
> reversed compared to x264 internal terminology (when x264 is complaining
> about a vbv underflow, that is a cpb OVERflow on the receiver side).

x264 uses receiver terminology. When x264 is complaining about a vbv 
underflow, that means the reciever would need to decode a frame it hasn't 
received yet.

--Loren Merritt

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