[x264-devel] unaligned accesses in IA64

Loren Merritt lorenm at u.washington.edu
Thu Feb 28 14:16:27 CET 2008

On Tue, 26 Feb 2008, Mauricio Alvarez wrote:

> I have compiled the code using both gcc (4.1.0) and icc (v 10.0), and
> I execute it using the following command line:
> ./x264 --qp=20 --fps 25 --frames 100 --progress  --threads=${NTHREADS}
> -o 1088p25_blue_sky.h264 1088p25_blue_sky.yuv 1920x1088
> And, I'm getting these results, with some messages about unaligned accesses:
> (these results are for the version compiled with icc)
> x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: none!
> x264(8689): unaligned access to 0x607fffffff32ee5c, ip=0x40000000000afb71
> x264(8689): unaligned access to 0x607fffffff32ee64, ip=0x40000000000aff31

The obvious step is to disassemble it and see what pieces of code 
correspond to addresses 0x40000000000afb71 and 0x40000000000aff31.

--Loren Merritt

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