[x264-devel] X264 in Visual Studio

Gabriel Bouvigne gabriel.bouvigne at joost.com
Wed Jan 30 11:15:30 CET 2008

Ramya Desai a écrit :

> I have been assigned to do one project which is based
> on X264. I wanted to do this in Windows using Visual
> Studio.I was unable to build X264 in Visual Studio,
> because of lot of errors.
> At the same time I didn't find any documentation
> regarding how to build X264 on VS.
> Please help me on how to build and debug X264 on
> windows using VS. If any related documentation is
> available please let me know

Put yasm or nasm into your path
Open the provided project with VC8/VS2005
Select x264 as active project

I also forgot: one of the .c files was recently removed, but is still 
part of the VC project. Just remove it from the project

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