[x264-devel] [PATCH] improve bitrate precision in 2 pass encodes

BugMaster BugMaster at narod.ru
Wed Oct 1 21:12:17 CEST 2008

On Wed, 01 Oct 2008 15:01:20 +0200, Gabriel Bouvigne wrote:
> *use BugMaster approximation when not using VBV
> *use distance to the end of the video when computing abr buffer

> --
> Gabriel

I think it is not safe to use
+        double elapsed_time = (double)h->fenc->i_frame / rcc->num_entries;
+        double abr_buffer_adj = abr_buffer * (1-elapsed_time);
when we not doing the 2pass (it would result in division by zero). And
so it would results in incorrect value of abr_buffer_adj which you
also use in 1pass ABR.

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