[x264-devel] crash in latest version

aviad rozenhek aviadr1 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 17:07:11 CEST 2008

I am devloping a vfw directshow filter based on x264, and trying to upgrade
x264 from r680 to current revision.
Could you help me please with some questions?

   1. what is the last stable/recommended revision?
   2. Is there anonymous access to the subversion repository?
   3. When using git, is there a way to get a specific named revision i.e.
   r850 for which I don't know the git-hash number?
   4. I have upgraded to the latest version available in git:

   commit e71168d48b9cb994bbb3895bbf25ebee2893ba4f
   Author: Jason Garrett-Glaser <darkshikari at gmail.com>
   Date:   Sun Sep 21 22:17:34 2008 -0700

>    Fix deblocking + threads + AQ bug

   I get crashes in the following function after a few frames:

   static inline int ssd_mb( x264_t *h )
       return ssd_plane(h, PIXEL_16x16, 0, 0, 0)
            + ssd_plane(h, PIXEL_8x8,   1, 0, 0)
            + ssd_plane(h, PIXEL_8x8,   2, 0, 0);

   is the problem known?

appreciate the help,
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