[x264-devel] Yet another updated threaded slicetype patch (v14)

Mike Kazmier DaKaZ at zenbe.com
Wed Apr 8 23:46:56 CEST 2009

I am resending this as ithas been 24 hours and my first email did not show up on the list:

Alright - thanks to all those who found yet a few more bugs, and to Dark Shikari who continually insisted it was a bug in my code, and not the pthread_cond_wait library that was causing it to go slower than the old usleep version. Please find attached yet another updated patch - this one is back to getting our 6-10% speed gains - settings and CPU count dependent. I am getting 10%+ on a dual core system with b-adapt 2. I think I have all the bugs (16 frames @ b-adapt 2, and >8 threads == deadlock) out of this one, but again encourage folks to test on various platforms and settings. FWIW: the speed problem was that I was blocking the input queue while in slicetype decide, thereby stalling the encoding threads.

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