[x264-devel] vlc 0.9. 9 problem h264 + http access

Nicolas VANHAUTE nicolas.vanhaute at ac-clermont.fr
Mon Apr 6 08:52:06 CEST 2009


There is a bug in transcode h264 + http access on it
Problem is that I get on client side : tons of "sps/pps..." without one 
image when I'm in udp/rtp that works well

let me know if you need more info or more tests...



PS : I attach to the mail logs from my server and output messages from 
server is ubuntu server 8.10 vlc 0.9.9rc2
client win 0.9.8

Nicolas Vanhaute
Rectorat de Clermont-Ferrand
Centre Informatique Académique
3, Av. Vercingetorix - 63033 Clermont-Ferrand
Mel : nicolas.vanhaute at ac-clermont.fr
Tel : +33 4 73 99 30 52 Fax : +33 4 73 99 30 21
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