[x264-devel] SCons support for x264

Tomas Carnecky tom at dbservice.com
Sun Apr 19 17:16:28 CEST 2009

On Apr 19, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Shachar Sharon wrote:

> I do *not* want to replace current build system with scons. I simply
> suggested to give scons a try, and let the developers decide if it
> improves anything. I also volunteered to do the actual implementation
> of the code, alongside the current existing build system files. If
> eventually people would have decide they don't like it, we could
> always drop it and no harm done. My experience showed that over time,
> as projects grow and become more complicated, modern build system such
> as scons is a better choice then traditional GNU configure/make.

x264 is managed with git, so: fork it, add support for scons, show  
that it improves the build system and is worth using over make and  
finally submit patches. Nothing is stopping you from doing that, in  
fact, that's how most of the patches make their way into x264 or any  
other opensource project. But don't be disappointed if your patches  
are rejected. Developers usually only change code if the existing code  
is insufficient. That is not the case with make as it's working just  

Usually, if someone feels that the existing code needs improvements,  
they either submit patches or bug reports. Either way, the changes are  
driven by actual needs instead of just hypothetical situations or  
shortcomings. It's quite unusual, for an opensource project, to see  
someone offering help but no patches and no compelling reason why the  
current code should be changed.


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