[x264-devel] Hello everyone

Deming He deming.he at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 23:25:22 CEST 2009

Hi All,

I am new here and just subscribed to this newsgroup...I have a question and
need help from you.

I downloaded the source code from SourceForge for x264vfw encoder driver and
am trying to "nmake" it. However, it spills the following error:

Makefile(14) : fatal error U1052: file 'config.mak' not found

I tried but couldn't find the file ('config.mak' ) anywhere. Could you
please let me know where I can find a copy?

Or is there any place I can download a complete project/solution for Visual
Studio 2008 and build the driver.

The reason I need to build it again is that I run into a situation as

1. I need to configure x264vfw, just like starting "x264vfw configuration"
pop-up, at run-time.

2. The problem is this module is running under service mode, it will not
have a pop-up, unless the interaction with desktop is allow, which is not
always enabled.

3. I tried with IAMVfwCompressDialogs::SendDriverMessage, but the settings
doesn't persists, unless bring up the dialog, changing settings, then
closing. BTW, is there a better solution/work-around to replace my current

Thanks for reading,
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