[x264-devel] x264 endian bug?

Martin Liebscher martin_liebscher at gmx.net
Thu Feb 19 10:56:12 CET 2009

Hi all,

I'm using x264 on the PowerPC architecture. The encoded mp4's are
playable on this architecture (e.g. using mplayer). However the
attempt to play this files on x86 machines fails. Mplayer complains
about corrupted headers in the video stream (also other players
refuse to show up the videostream of the file).

I tryied a recent svn snapshot and also various older revisons (also
binaries provided by the os distribution).

I assume that this might be an endian bug but I was wondering that
nobody else experienced this effect...

Can anyone confirm that this x264 created files depend on the
endianess of the system?

Regards, Martin.

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