[x264-devel] Start decoding h264 stream without waiting to I-frame

Amit Yedidia amitye at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 19:48:13 CET 2009

Hi All,

I have hardware encoder which sends h264/RFC3984 stream in multicast or
unicast. This hardware is also controlled by RTSP server (based on LIVE555).
I want to be able to play the stream using VLC, and join the stream even
after the playback started,
The problem is that the source generate only one IDR frame in the start, and
uses AIR (adaptive intra refresh) - There are no other IDR or I frames.
This is done to preserve a constant bitrate as much aspossible.
So if I am joinning the stream after It starts (in multicast scenario), I am
not able to see nothing.

Is such scenario should be supported in x264/VLC ?
Is there other implementation that can solve my probelm?


Amit Yedidia.
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