[x264-devel] MSVC project files

Tomas Carnecky tom at dbservice.com
Wed Sep 30 18:51:01 CEST 2009

On Sep 30, 2009, at 6:25 PM, Steven Walters wrote:

>> A patch to fix compilation in MSVC is very welcome. A lot of people  
>> have
>> problems with this.
>> I recommend committing the patch that fixes the project files and  
>> including
>> the c99 patch file inside the projects directory, so that MSVC  
>> users will
>> always have access to the most up-to-date version of the patch to  
>> fix c99
>> problems.
> So you're saying that in addition to the overly large project files,
> we need to also keep and maintain a patch to support its brokenness?
> That's no different than supporting it directly and has already been
> stated that it is not going to happen.
> Like I've already stated earlier, i think the project files are not
> worth the bloat nor separate patches to be supported,
> I would see doing something like this patch, I've been working every
> once in a while, being more efficient.
> http://kemuri9.net/dev/x264/patches/experimental/x264_msvc_configure.diff
> Which is to have a configure script for MSVC and have the Makefile CMD
> prompt compatible.
> It would take only minor editing to have it support ICL.

Why don't you use this new thing called git? I heard it supports  
distributed development where each person can have its own repository  
and branches. So, for example, the person who wants to manage the MSVC  
files can do so and share the repository on github.


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