[x264-devel] i_timebase_xxx and libx264

Takashi Mochizuki mochi at da2.so-net.ne.jp
Sun Apr 4 01:33:09 CEST 2010

I have some question about timecode handling, using libx264.

1) r1510's x264.c shows:
1185     if( !b_user_fps )
1186     {
1187         param->i_fps_num = info.fps_num;
1188         param->i_fps_den = info.fps_den;
1189     }
1190     if( param->b_vfr_input )
1191     {
1192         param->i_timebase_num = info.timebase_num;
1193         param->i_timebase_den = info.timebase_den;
1194     }
1195     else
1196     {
1197         param->i_timebase_num = param->i_fps_den;
1198         param->i_timebase_den = param->i_fps_num;
1199     }

at 1197, den goes num, num goes den, is this correct?

2) From apps' point of view which uses libx264 directly, what is the requirement to use VFR?
I can pass strict pts value of every source frame.

- set param->b_vfr_input to 1
- set param->i_timebase_num/den to stream timebase value
- set frame's pts value based on i_timebase_xxx values

Any other requirement is there?

Takashi Mochizuki

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