[x264-devel] libx264.so.98 crash
r a
erect_i_kus at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 25 21:08:56 CEST 2010
OK so I installed ffmpeg and relevant dpendencies.
libx264 crashes, I looked up what I could online and didn't see an answer. So I
downloaded a src.rpm, compiled it with --enable-debug and used gdb.
The segment violation occurred due to bitstream.h, line 84. The parms passed
had a null value so hence the memory error. It's been a while since I did real
coding, and after 8 hours or so figured that it would
be best to pass this on to developers familiar with the code. (One variation I
did try, with no success, was to disable asm optimizations just in case gcc was
buggy with creating inline code).
FYI I am using openSUSE 11.2:
linus:~ # uname -a
Linux linus #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-03-16 21:25:39 +0100 i686
i686 i386 GNU/Linux
I recently did an install from scratch, so don't think there are issues with
inconsistent versions of gcc, etc.
I could provide more info, but do not think it would be relevant here. The
function in bitstream.h is called 4 different times, but fails the first time it
is called.
As an aside, I am not totally satisfied with openSUSE -- I think I have spent
too much time trying to get this, codecs, etc to work. A lot of help/info I
have looked at on forums seems to come from people using Ubunto (sp?) -- any
comments? Is there a way to get the same utilities working for openSUSE? I
want to use rpms.
Thanks in advance,
erect_i_kus at yahoo.com
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