[x264-devel] 回复: Re: "libx264.a libx264.dll.a libx264.dll".

yuqilin1228 yuqilin1228 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 26 17:31:12 CEST 2010

Thank you. I've looked at that doc.And I followed the method and got a file "libx264.lib",but the size of it is much smaller than the libx264.a or libx264.dll.a file.

I tried to compile my MSVC project using this lib file and succeeded.But the program crashed when it run.

So, i need help, please....



发件人: njd <gpneil at gmail.com>
发送时间: 2010-07-26 23:20
主 题: Re: [x264-devel] "libx264.a libx264.dll.a libx264.dll".
收件人: Mailing list for x264 developers <x264-devel at videolan.org>

Hi yuqilin1228,

Have you looked at the document in the below?



On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 10:23 PM, yuqilin1228 <yuqilin1228 at gmail.com> wrote:

Hello,everyone.I'm a newbie in x264 dev.

Now I'm working on a project using x264.

I tried to compile x264 source under MinGW by the cmd:
    ./configure --enable-shared --prefix=somewhere
    make SONAME=libx264.dll
    make install
Then, I got some file produced -- "libx264.a libx264.dll.a libx264.dll".
I need to use something like libx264.lib in my project, which is a MSVC project(MicroSoft Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 or 2010).

Now I'm confused on 
1) how to use these produced files in MSVC?
    I really want the files can be used in MSVC, is it possible?
    If only,
2) the dll 'libx264.dll' produced by MinGW is same with the MSVC dll??
    If they're same,I can use it directly.But it didn't work?
3) what's the difference between each of "libx264.a libx264.dll.a libx264.dll"? 
    I know static-lib and dynamic-lib. I wonder some more details.

I have trapped in for a couple of days. 
Hope someone to save me.



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