[x264-devel] The size of search area in reference frames

Jason Garrett-Glaser darkshikari at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 08:15:30 CEST 2010

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Radek Czyz <radoslaw at syskin.cjb.net> wrote:
> On 14/06/2010 2:45 PM, john sisi wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> As you may know better, due to the movement of objects, the search
>> area for motion estimation in reference frames must be increased in
>> order to achieve better PSNR performance. But it seems that x264
>> doesn't increase the size of the search area in the reference frames
>> and it always uses the same size. But am I right? If not, please
>> correct me by showing where this issue is handled. Thanks,
>> John
> Hi,
> Since you're asking for details of x264, can you describe your question more
> in terms of x264's workings?
> Particularly, what is this "search area" (do you mean during fullsearch
> only?) and from what it should be increased (that is, why was "it" decreased
> in the first place).
> x264 has maximum vector size as part of its configuration but, as its name
> suggests, it's already a maximum allowed, and it's up to the user to
> increase it if he wants to allow more.

x264 by default uses the maximum allowed by the spec (for maximum
vector size).  The user can't ask for more.

Dark Shikari

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