[x264-devel] commit: Deduplicate asm constants, automate name prefixing ( Jason Garrett-Glaser )

git at videolan.org git at videolan.org
Thu May 6 07:49:20 CEST 2010

x264 | branch: master | Jason Garrett-Glaser <darkshikari at gmail.com> | Fri Apr 30 11:36:19 2010 -0700| [41be22fc887a5904223350a885c9f2c0981a1c8d] | committer: Jason Garrett-Glaser 

Deduplicate asm constants, automate name prefixing
Auto-prefix global constants with x264_ in cextern.
Eliminate x264_ prefix from asm files; automate it in cglobal.
Deduplicate asm constants wherever possible to save data cache (move them to a new const-a.asm).
Remove x264_emms() entirely on non-x86 (don't even call an empty function).
Add cextern_naked for a non-prefixed cextern (used in checkasm).

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/x264.git/?a=commit;h=41be22fc887a5904223350a885c9f2c0981a1c8d

 Makefile                 |    4 +-
 common/common.c          |    1 -
 common/common.h          |    1 +
 common/cpu.c             |    7 -
 common/cpu.h             |    9 ++-
 common/x86/cabac-a.asm   |   20 ++--
 common/x86/const-a.asm   |   54 +++++++++
 common/x86/cpu-a.asm     |   31 +++--
 common/x86/dct-32.asm    |   42 ++++----
 common/x86/dct-64.asm    |   29 +++---
 common/x86/dct-a.asm     |  129 +++++++++++-----------
 common/x86/deblock-a.asm |  111 +++++++++----------
 common/x86/mc-a.asm      |  134 ++++++++++++-----------
 common/x86/mc-a2.asm     |   88 +++++++--------
 common/x86/mc-c.c        |   79 +++++++-------
 common/x86/pixel-32.asm  |   14 +-
 common/x86/pixel-a.asm   |  274 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 common/x86/predict-a.asm |   98 ++++++++--------
 common/x86/predict-c.c   |  236 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 common/x86/quant-a.asm   |   97 ++++++++--------
 common/x86/sad-a.asm     |  102 +++++++++---------
 common/x86/x86inc.asm    |   16 +++-
 encoder/analyse.c        |    1 -
 encoder/encoder.c        |    1 -
 encoder/lookahead.c      |    1 -
 encoder/ratecontrol.c    |    1 -
 encoder/slicetype.c      |    1 -
 tools/checkasm-a.asm     |    8 +-
 28 files changed, 827 insertions(+), 762 deletions(-)

Diff:   http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/x264.git/?a=commitdiff;h=41be22fc887a5904223350a885c9f2c0981a1c8d

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