[x264-devel] "bitrate" not behaving as expected from GStreamer

Uday Verma uday.karan at gmail.com
Fri May 14 16:52:40 CEST 2010


I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question.

I am trying to encode a 1280x720 video stream in realtime.

I am using 20100510 snapshot of x264.  I am running gst-plugins-ugly 0.10.14
patched with changes from master.  For some reason the bitrate property is
not working as expected anymore.

Earlier I used to set bitrate to control the amount of data being emitted
from the x264 encoder process.  Now it seems that the encoder just doesn't
care about the bitrate setting and encodes data at around 768-1024 kbps.
 Changing the bitrate however makes the encoding process go slower or
faster.  Lower bitrate lets the encoding run faster.  I am not sure if the
bitrate property now needs to set differently.

I noticed this changed when I switched to the 20100410 snapshot from
20100310 snapshot.

Here's how the x264 encoder parameters are being set presently in
gst-plugins-ugly master:


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