[x264-devel] access to reconstructed pixels

Jason Garrett-Glaser darkshikari at gmail.com
Tue Nov 9 01:03:11 CET 2010

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Dennis Munsie <dmunsie at gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to see the same pixels that I would see if I fed the NALs into a 264 decoder.  When I looked at the code, it looks like the deblocker is only run when the encoder decides it's necessary *OR* if the recon pixels are being dumped to a YUV file (search in encoder.c for psz_dump_yuv -- there are two cases where it's used to set b_deblock).  Since I'm wanting those exact pixels that would be dumped to a file, I also want to make sure that the deblocker is run as well.
> Or is this the wrong way to go about this?

Couldn't you give x264 a pipe as the yuv dump file?

Dark Shikari

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