[x264-devel] Memory requirements

Dan Haddix dan6992 at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 18 19:49:15 CEST 2011

I'm working on adding support for x264 encoding to a product which currently uses the MainConcept encoder. The code I use for both encoders is similar. I set the resolution, avg/max bitrate, frame rate, aspect (sar) and interlaced flag and I let the automatic logic of each encoder figure out the rest. One major difference I notice between the encoders is memory usage. When I encode using MC the memory used by my program jumps from about 90MB to about 175MB. But when I encode with x264 it jumps to 600MB. Is this typical? Is there anything I can do to curb the requirement a little? I've checked my code for leaks and I don't think it's coming from my end. Plus it jumps almost immediately and stays, which also seems to rule out a leak.

Any advice you could give would be appreciated.

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