[x264-devel] x264 for sparcV9

Sean McGovern gseanmcg at gmail.com
Sat Feb 5 01:27:15 CET 2011

No, it should compile stock provided you are using a recent version of gcc -- 3.4.3 from Solaris 10 is ever so slightly on the old side. You might want to get your hands on GCCFSS or Blastwave. I built my own gcc 4.5.2 against SunFreeware's binutils package. 

I've been working with the x264 team to keep this building properly "out of the box" on SPARC. 

-- Sean
-----Original Message-----
From: "David Munday" <cromom at soe.ucsc.edu>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 16:02:30 
To: <sean at seanmcgovern.ca>
Subject: x264 for sparcV9

Hi Sean,

I'm a graduate student doing research with x264 and I need to compile a
64-bit version for sparcv9. I noticed that you are distributing solaris
packages of exactly what I need, except I need to modify the source code.


Did you have to do anything special to get x264 to compile for 64-bit other
than pass m64 to the compiler?


Thanks for your help,

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