[x264-devel] x264 low latency and Flash ??

Joaquim Muchaxo jmuchaxo at ithaca.pt
Tue Jan 11 20:47:15 CET 2011

Dear X264 developers ,
 I am working on a project and need to reduce latency for videos to be
played in Flash ,
I am using parameters as documented on   Diary Of An x264 Developer  (
http://x264dev.multimedia.cx/archives/249 )

It is required to be able to seek the video, so I found that
--intra-refresh --ref 1  are not a solution  (Flash won't be able to
I then use keyframes, but the quality of these is limited by   --vbv-bufsize 270

   How can I improve the encoding to achive a latency <= 1 frame  with CBR ?
Could I use  VBR  with limited max bitrate.. ?
The videos are pre-processed and the player is Flash.

these are parameters I use:
x264 --preset slow --vbv-maxrate 4050 --vbv-bufsize 270 --tune
zerolatency --keyint 15 --slice-max-size 4000 --qcomp 0.1 -o %2 %1
the target framerate is 15fps  (this is not film, it is an HD walktrough)

best regards,
Joaquim Muchaxo

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