[x264-devel] Best x264 settings for user desktop recording

Noam Zweig noamz at Cyber-Ark.com
Thu Jan 6 16:24:22 CET 2011



We are now making a process of testing several technologies
(codecs\containers\etc...) for recording user actions on desktop.
Desktop can contain GUI application, or command line application.

We also want to include the x264 in our tests, as it is one of the
leading codecs today.


Our system records the desktop while the user works, therefore we aim
for low footprint during the recording time (low CPU and minimal disk
usage), also we cannot afford loss of data from the movie (should be
viewable recording).


The x264 codec has quite a lot settings options. We checked the standard
ones, that comes with the installation (ultrafast, very slow,
normal...), and the results were not satisfying.


According to the above, I wanted to ask you, what are the best
recommended settings for recording user actions on desktop?

Are there different recommendations for GUI applications recording, and
command line application recording?




Noam Zweig


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