[x264-devel] does not link lavf support

Erik Slagter erik at slagter.name
Wed Jun 22 15:21:39 CEST 2011

> You sure are quick to point fingers and haze...

Please note the phrase "I am not blaming the x264 devels..."

In short: yes I overreacted a bit. I was quite annoyed by the attitude
like "we'll fix it when we feel like" (see previous postings). I'm also
annoyed by having two versions of ffmpeg/libav and both broke.

> this issue has already been fixed in libav and ffmpeg: (libav's commit
> was http://git.libav.org/?p=libav.git;a=commit;h=dbafb0e06faa092f60e53d845957fbab7f2a3f2d
> ) and ffmpeg's was around the same time afaik.

I've been pull'ing both forks like crazy the past few days, I've seen
this commit come by and it didn't fix the segfault.

Are you saying that after this commit you have a x264 cli that works
withouth segfaulting (either with or without --input-res)?

> this is the first time I've heard of a libswscale crash, and why are
> you blaming x264 for this?
> have you looked at the stack trace? have you absolutely discerned that
> x264 is at fault?

There has been talk here on problems with swscale before. Libav supplies
a sws_scale.so.1, while ffmpeg supplies a sws_scale_so.0. Furthermore,
gdb "where" says it's in sws_scale when the segfault happens. So not
exactly hard evidence, but imho quite a strong hint. I haven't checked
with all debug options on yet, I am a bit reluctant to do so, as it
looks like the stack gets trashed.

And I don't "blame" x264 for this, I only suspect a not 100%
api-adherance by x264 that only now, with recent changes on ffmpeg/libav

I can handle (major) regressions perfectly fine, as long as I get the
feeling that something will be done to fix them. I'll be most willingly
to help fix the issue with debugging or whatever if someone will care.

Thank you for your understanding.

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