[x264-devel] stats file empty after first pass when mbtree used

Jason Garrett-Glaser jason at x264.com
Sat Aug 25 00:38:30 CEST 2012

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 3:31 PM, David Henry <dhenry at movenetworks.com> wrote:
> Hello all - I'm working on an application which uses libx264.  When doing 2-pass encodes, if the mbtree option is enabled, the 1st pass doesn't seem to
> put anything into the stats files:
> x264_1345845358591.L.mbtree.temp (size of 0)
> x264_1345845358591.L.temp

x264 renames the .temp files when it finishes, so it sounds like x264
didn't actually finish the encode, rather, it crashed or otherwise
terminated early.


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