[x264-devel] x264 Development Newsletter: Vol. 31

Jason Garrett-Glaser jason at x264.com
Tue Jul 17 21:21:40 CEST 2012

This is the thirty-first x264 development newsletter. This is a
regular email containing updates on fixes and improvements in the most
recent x264 push, along with updates on what's coming next.  Previous
versions can be found in the mailing list archives.


Fix a crash with fps equal to 0, fix some integer overflows and some
better input parameter checking.


Update x86inc with changes from libav.

Fix some possible ratecontrol mispredictions after long periods of
inactivity by capping predictor parameters.

Print elapsed time in the encoding status info.

Support changing resolutions between passes even with macroblock-tree
on (at the cost of a small amount of compression).

Try 8x8 transform analysis even when sub8x8 partitions are present:
0.1-0.5% compression gain on the slowest speeds.

Faster fullpel prediction checking: ~50 cycles saved per motion
estimation run with subme < 3.


Google Code-In is done, but a bunch of NEON assembly still needs review.

x262 is under development: a best-in-class MPEG-2 encoder built using
the x264 framework.  It works well enough to be vaguely usable now,
but is still highly experimental and needs more work -- developers

xvp8 is under development: a best-in-class VP8 encoder built using the
x264 framework.  It supports I-frames with i16x16 blocks now and is
being extended to support more of the spec.

Jason Garrett-Glaser

The x264 Team

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