[x264-devel] partial support of features in profile

Ran Shalit ranshalit at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 20:26:39 CET 2012

> Your understanding of profiles is backward. Decoders are the only ones that have to support all
> of the required parts of whatever profile they claim to support; encoders targeting a profile
> merely have to not exceed that. As x264 is not and never will be a decoder, total coverage of
> profiles isn't important except as bullet points in a marketing brochure, particularly since
> some of them don't help in realistic usage scenarios at all. An encoder can perfectly legally
> signal High profile while using nothing but the basic Constrained Baseline tools (and way back
> in the day, that's exactly what x264 did if you didn't enable anything else).

Hi Raul, foxy,

Thank you very much, I understand now the idea that MPEG standard is
intended for decoder more clearly.

Regards, Ran

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