[x264-devel] x264 predictors

Loren Merritt lorenm at u.washington.edu
Wed Sep 19 19:33:29 CEST 2012

On Wed, 19 Sep 2012, Nadir Raimondo wrote:

> Is the x264_me_t mvp predictor obtained as a median of MVs of blocks around
> the current block?

Yes. mvp is the one that's specified in the standard, as the value that
whatever mv you finally chose gets delta-coded against. You don't want to
change this.

> Why are there multiple values for mvc?

mvc is all the other hypotheses, that motion estimation tries before
getting into hill-climbing part of the search. If you have some extra
guess that's probably close to the real motion, you can add it to the mvc
list. If this guess is much more accurate than any of the other
predictors, you might also benefit from removing some of the existing
entries of mvc.

--Loren Merritt

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