[x264-devel] Fix array overreads that caused miscompilation in gcc 4.8

Jason Garrett-Glaser git at videolan.org
Tue Apr 23 23:03:03 CEST 2013

x264 | branch: master | Jason Garrett-Glaser <jason at x264.com> | Wed Feb 27 13:30:22 2013 -0800| [89aecb440e2939be7fb72d8362eb12504711b94f] | committer: Jason Garrett-Glaser

Fix array overreads that caused miscompilation in gcc 4.8

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/x264.git/?a=commit;h=89aecb440e2939be7fb72d8362eb12504711b94f

 common/common.h  |    1 +
 common/set.c     |   78 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 tools/checkasm.c |    6 ++---
 3 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/common/common.h b/common/common.h
index 39ad5cb..f5c69ba 100644
--- a/common/common.h
+++ b/common/common.h
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 #define IS_DISPOSABLE(type) ( type == X264_TYPE_B )
 #define FIX8(f) ((int)(f*(1<<8)+.5))
 #define ALIGN(x,a) (((x)+((a)-1))&~((a)-1))
+#define ARRAY_ELEMS(a) ((sizeof(a))/(sizeof(a[0])))
 #define CHECKED_MALLOC( var, size )\
 do {\
diff --git a/common/set.c b/common/set.c
index 4c72125..fa8b158 100644
--- a/common/set.c
+++ b/common/set.c
@@ -85,44 +85,49 @@ int x264_cqm_init( x264_t *h )
     int max_qp_err = -1;
     int max_chroma_qp_err = -1;
     int min_qp_err = QP_MAX+1;
-    int num_8x8_lists = h->sps->i_chroma_format_idc == CHROMA_444 ? 4 : 2; /* Checkasm may segfault if optimized out by --chroma-format */
+    int num_8x8_lists = h->sps->i_chroma_format_idc == CHROMA_444 ? 4
+                      : h->param.analyse.b_transform_8x8 ? 2 : 0; /* Checkasm may segfault if optimized out by --chroma-format */
-    for( int i = 0; i < 4 + num_8x8_lists; i++ )
-    {
-        int size = i<4 ? 16 : 64;
-        int j;
-        for( j = (i<4 ? 0 : 4); j < i; j++ )
-            if( !memcmp( h->pps->scaling_list[i], h->pps->scaling_list[j], size*sizeof(uint8_t) ) )
-                break;
-        if( j < i )
-        {
-            h->  quant4_mf[i] = h->  quant4_mf[j];
-            h->dequant4_mf[i] = h->dequant4_mf[j];
-            h->unquant4_mf[i] = h->unquant4_mf[j];
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            CHECKED_MALLOC( h->  quant4_mf[i], (QP_MAX+1)*size*sizeof(udctcoef) );
-            CHECKED_MALLOC( h->dequant4_mf[i],  6*size*sizeof(int) );
-            CHECKED_MALLOC( h->unquant4_mf[i], (QP_MAX+1)*size*sizeof(int) );
-        }
-        for( j = (i<4 ? 0 : 4); j < i; j++ )
-            if( deadzone[j&3] == deadzone[i&3] &&
-                !memcmp( h->pps->scaling_list[i], h->pps->scaling_list[j], size*sizeof(uint8_t) ) )
-                break;
-        if( j < i )
-        {
-            h->quant4_bias[i] = h->quant4_bias[j];
-            h->quant4_bias0[i] = h->quant4_bias0[j];
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            CHECKED_MALLOC( h->quant4_bias[i], (QP_MAX+1)*size*sizeof(udctcoef) );
-            CHECKED_MALLOC( h->quant4_bias0[i], (QP_MAX+1)*size*sizeof(udctcoef) );
-        }
+#define CQM_ALLOC( w, count )\
+    for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )\
+    {\
+        int size = w*w;\
+        int start = w == 8 ? 4 : 0;\
+        int j;\
+        for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )\
+            if( !memcmp( h->pps->scaling_list[i+start], h->pps->scaling_list[j+start], size*sizeof(uint8_t) ) )\
+                break;\
+        if( j < i )\
+        {\
+            h->  quant##w##_mf[i] = h->  quant##w##_mf[j];\
+            h->dequant##w##_mf[i] = h->dequant##w##_mf[j];\
+            h->unquant##w##_mf[i] = h->unquant##w##_mf[j];\
+        }\
+        else\
+        {\
+            CHECKED_MALLOC( h->  quant##w##_mf[i], (QP_MAX+1)*size*sizeof(udctcoef) );\
+            CHECKED_MALLOC( h->dequant##w##_mf[i],  6*size*sizeof(int) );\
+            CHECKED_MALLOC( h->unquant##w##_mf[i], (QP_MAX+1)*size*sizeof(int) );\
+        }\
+        for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )\
+            if( deadzone[j] == deadzone[i] &&\
+                !memcmp( h->pps->scaling_list[i+start], h->pps->scaling_list[j+start], size*sizeof(uint8_t) ) )\
+                break;\
+        if( j < i )\
+        {\
+            h->quant##w##_bias[i] = h->quant##w##_bias[j];\
+            h->quant##w##_bias0[i] = h->quant##w##_bias0[j];\
+        }\
+        else\
+        {\
+            CHECKED_MALLOC( h->quant##w##_bias[i], (QP_MAX+1)*size*sizeof(udctcoef) );\
+            CHECKED_MALLOC( h->quant##w##_bias0[i], (QP_MAX+1)*size*sizeof(udctcoef) );\
+        }\
+    CQM_ALLOC( 4, 4 )
+    CQM_ALLOC( 8, num_8x8_lists )
     for( int q = 0; q < 6; q++ )
         for( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
@@ -204,6 +209,9 @@ int x264_cqm_init( x264_t *h )
         for( int cat = 0; cat < 3 + CHROMA444; cat++ )
             int dct8x8 = cat&1;
+            if( !h->param.analyse.b_transform_8x8 && dct8x8 )
+                continue;
             int size = dct8x8 ? 64 : 16;
             udctcoef *nr_offset = h->nr_offset_emergency[q][cat];
             /* Denoise chroma first (due to h264's chroma QP offset), then luma, then DC. */
diff --git a/tools/checkasm.c b/tools/checkasm.c
index 9135b70..bbda21a 100644
--- a/tools/checkasm.c
+++ b/tools/checkasm.c
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ static int check_pixel( int cpu_ref, int cpu_new )
 #define TEST_PIXEL( name, align ) \
     ok = 1, used_asm = 0; \
-    for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) \
+    for( int i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMS(pixel_c.name); i++ ) \
     { \
         int res_c, res_asm; \
         if( pixel_asm.name[i] != pixel_ref.name[i] ) \
@@ -1087,13 +1087,13 @@ static int check_dct( int cpu_ref, int cpu_new )
     x264_zigzag_init( cpu_new, &zigzag_asm[0], &zigzag_asm[1] );
     ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
-    TEST_INTERLEAVE( interleave_8x8_cavlc, level1, level2, dct1[0], 64 );
+    TEST_INTERLEAVE( interleave_8x8_cavlc, level1, level2, dct8[0], 64 );
     report( "zigzag_interleave :" );
     for( interlace = 0; interlace <= 1; interlace++ )
         ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
-        TEST_ZIGZAG_SCAN( scan_8x8, level1, level2, dct1[0], 8 );
+        TEST_ZIGZAG_SCAN( scan_8x8, level1, level2, dct8[0], 8 );
         TEST_ZIGZAG_SCAN( scan_4x4, level1, level2, dct1[0], 4 );
         TEST_ZIGZAG_SUB( sub_4x4, level1, level2, 16 );
         TEST_ZIGZAG_SUBAC( sub_4x4ac, level1, level2 );

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