[x264-devel] flash player and intra-refresh, connecting to a already present stream not working.

Sergio Garcia Murillo sergio.garcia.murillo at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 16:44:50 CEST 2013

Hi Bradi and all,

I have the same issue in my MCU. I have been using intra refresh without 
problems for SIP devices, but when trying to boradcast one conference 
with rtmp I need to disable intra-refresh completely to make it playable 
by flash player.

In my case, forcing an I frame via pic.i_type = X264_TYPE_I when a new 
rtmp connection connects to the stream didn't solved the issue neither.

Best regards
El 20/07/2013 23:37, Badri Gopalan escribió:
> hi Max,
> thank you - If I make some frames as keyframes, it should work.
> How does one make some frames as keyframes ? I believe flash will work 
> ok if there is any keyframe.
> regards
> Bgpl
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Max Lapshin <max.lapshin at gmail.com>
> *To:* Mailing list for x264 developers <x264-devel at videolan.org>
> *Cc:* Badri Gopalan <badri_p_gopalan at yahoo.com>
> *Sent:* Saturday, July 20, 2013 12:55 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [x264-devel] flash player and intra-refresh, connecting 
> to a already present stream not working.
> I think that you may be not quite right.
> I'm writing erlyvideo.org streaming server and sometimes I have to
> consume DVB-S streams. They are usually intra-refresh (if H264 of
> course) and flash player is playing it.
> But it is required to make some frame as a "keyframe".
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