[x264-devel] Compiling x264 with Visual Studio 2010 and Intel compiler

BugMaster BugMaster at narod.ru
Wed Dec 10 18:13:29 CET 2014

On Wed, 10 Dec 2014 15:01:13 +0100, Kovacs Peter wrote:
> One more thing. Using the above toolchain on x86, windows, 32-bit, with
> yasm is enabled, yasm outputs .obj files, while the linker is looking 
> for .o files in the end.
> This can be fixed by adding --objext=o to ASFLAGS, e.g.:
>          ASFLAGS="$ASFLAGS -O2 --objext=o -DARCH_X86_64=0 
> -I\$(SRCPATH)/common/x86/"
> on line 605 of configure.
> I have experienced the same behaviour with both yasm version 1.2 and 
> 1.3, looks like -o alone is not enough to specify the extension.
> Not sure about other platforms.

> Best regards,
> Peter

I don't have such problems here. You probably used renamed vsyasm
(yasm for VS) instead of yasm version for general use on Windows which
is needed for building in MSYS environment.

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