[x264-devel] Dynamic Codec

Austin Weidler austin.weidler at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 07:28:40 CEST 2015

My name is Austin Weidler. I'm a software developer and am interested
in working on a codec. I've been doing quite extensive research over
the past few weeks on how codecs work and the implementations of them.
My main goal is to extend an open source codec to encode a video
dynamically. And by that I mean every time the sequence is played,
certain chunks of frames are queued up in a different order
(Randomly). Essential the video could change each time it was watched.
I realize that this does sound crazy and possibly worthless, but I
thought I would give it some looking into. I wouldn't plan for the
file ever to be released to other formats, I'm sure that's not even
possible. Any thoughts on the matter would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time.

Austin Weidler

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