[x264-devel] [PATCH 1/9] MIPS MSA Common Macros Load, Store and basic aithmatic

Rishikesh More rishikesh.more at imgtec.com
Thu Jun 18 14:18:38 CEST 2015

This patch includes restructuring of existing macros and addition of new generic macros which was necessary to avoid repeated review comments. 
It reduces number of code lines due to maximum use of generic macros, allows better code alignment & readability.
Overall, this patch set is just upgrading the code with styling changes and will bring it in sync with MIPS-SIMD optimized latest codebase at our end.

This patch contains macros for load - store and basic arithmatic operations. 

Signed-off-by: Rishikesh More <rishikesh.more at imgtec.com>
 common/mips/macros.h | 1396 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1396 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 common/mips/macros.h

diff --git a/common/mips/macros.h b/common/mips/macros.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8de9028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/mips/macros.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1396 @@
+ * macros.h: msa macros
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 x264 project
+ *
+ * Authors: Rishikesh More <rishikesh.more at imgtec.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
+ *
+ * This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license.
+ * For more information, contact us at licensing at x264.com.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#ifndef X264_MIPS_MACROS_H
+#define X264_MIPS_MACROS_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <msa.h>
+#define LD_B( RTYPE, p_src ) *( ( RTYPE * )( p_src ) )
+#define LD_UB( ... ) LD_B( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_SB( ... ) LD_B( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_H( RTYPE, p_src ) *( ( RTYPE * )( p_src ) )
+#define LD_SH( ... ) LD_H( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_W( RTYPE, p_src ) *( ( RTYPE * )( p_src ) )
+#define LD_SW( ... ) LD_W( v4i32, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ST_B( RTYPE, in, p_dst ) *( ( RTYPE * )( p_dst ) ) = ( in )
+#define ST_UB( ... ) ST_B( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ST_SB( ... ) ST_B( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ST_H( RTYPE, in, p_dst ) *( ( RTYPE * )( p_dst ) ) = ( in )
+#define ST_UH( ... ) ST_H( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ST_SH( ... ) ST_H( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#if ( __mips_isa_rev >= 6 )
+    #define LH( p_src )                              \
+    ( {                                              \
+        uint8_t *p_src_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_src );  \
+        uint16_t u_val_h_m;                          \
+                                                     \
+        asm volatile (                               \
+            "lh  %[u_val_h_m],  %[p_src_m]  \n\t"    \
+                                                     \
+            : [u_val_h_m] "=r" ( u_val_h_m )         \
+            : [p_src_m] "m" ( *p_src_m )             \
+        );                                           \
+                                                     \
+        u_val_h_m;                                   \
+    } )
+    #define LW( p_src )                              \
+    ( {                                              \
+        uint8_t *p_src_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_src );  \
+        uint32_t u_val_w_m;                          \
+                                                     \
+        asm volatile (                               \
+            "lw  %[u_val_w_m],  %[p_src_m]  \n\t"    \
+                                                     \
+            : [u_val_w_m] "=r" ( u_val_w_m )         \
+            : [p_src_m] "m" ( *p_src_m )             \
+        );                                           \
+                                                     \
+        u_val_w_m;                                   \
+    } )
+    #if ( __mips == 64 )
+        #define LD( p_src )                              \
+        ( {                                              \
+            uint8_t *p_src_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_src );  \
+            uint64_t u_val_d_m = 0;                      \
+                                                         \
+            asm volatile (                               \
+                "ld  %[u_val_d_m],  %[p_src_m]  \n\t"    \
+                                                         \
+                : [u_val_d_m] "=r" ( u_val_d_m )         \
+                : [p_src_m] "m" ( *p_src_m )             \
+            );                                           \
+                                                         \
+            u_val_d_m;                                   \
+        } )
+    #else  // !( __mips == 64 )
+        #define LD( p_src )                                                  \
+        ( {                                                                  \
+            uint8_t *p_src_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_src );                      \
+            uint32_t u_val0_m, u_val1_m;                                     \
+            uint64_t u_val_d_m = 0;                                          \
+                                                                             \
+            u_val0_m = LW( p_src_m );                                        \
+            u_val1_m = LW( p_src_m + 4 );                                    \
+                                                                             \
+            u_val_d_m = ( uint64_t ) ( u_val1_m );                           \
+            u_val_d_m = ( uint64_t ) ( ( u_val_d_m << 32 ) &                 \
+                                       0xFFFFFFFF00000000 );                 \
+            u_val_d_m = ( uint64_t ) ( u_val_d_m | ( uint64_t ) u_val0_m );  \
+                                                                             \
+            u_val_d_m;                                                       \
+        } )
+    #endif  // ( __mips == 64 )
+    #define SH( u_val, p_dst )                       \
+    {                                                \
+        uint8_t *p_dst_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_dst );  \
+        uint16_t u_val_h_m = ( u_val );              \
+                                                     \
+        asm volatile (                               \
+            "sh  %[u_val_h_m],  %[p_dst_m]  \n\t"    \
+                                                     \
+            : [p_dst_m] "=m" ( *p_dst_m )            \
+            : [u_val_h_m] "r" ( u_val_h_m )          \
+        );                                           \
+    }
+    #define SW( u_val, p_dst )                       \
+    {                                                \
+        uint8_t *p_dst_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_dst );  \
+        uint32_t u_val_w_m = ( u_val );              \
+                                                     \
+        asm volatile (                               \
+            "sw  %[u_val_w_m],  %[p_dst_m]  \n\t"    \
+                                                     \
+            : [p_dst_m] "=m" ( *p_dst_m )            \
+            : [u_val_w_m] "r" ( u_val_w_m )          \
+        );                                           \
+    }
+    #define SD( u_val, p_dst )                       \
+    {                                                \
+        uint8_t *p_dst_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_dst );  \
+        uint64_t u_val_d_m = ( u_val );              \
+                                                     \
+        asm volatile (                               \
+            "sd  %[u_val_d_m],  %[p_dst_m]  \n\t"    \
+                                                     \
+            : [p_dst_m] "=m" ( *p_dst_m )            \
+            : [u_val_d_m] "r" ( u_val_d_m )          \
+        );                                           \
+    }
+#else  // !( __mips_isa_rev >= 6 )
+    #define LH( p_src )                              \
+    ( {                                              \
+        uint8_t *p_src_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_src );  \
+        uint16_t u_val_h_m;                          \
+                                                     \
+        asm volatile (                               \
+            "ulh  %[u_val_h_m],  %[p_src_m]  \n\t"   \
+                                                     \
+            : [u_val_h_m] "=r" ( u_val_h_m )         \
+            : [p_src_m] "m" ( *p_src_m )             \
+        );                                           \
+                                                     \
+        u_val_h_m;                                   \
+    } )
+    #define LW( p_src )                              \
+    ( {                                              \
+        uint8_t *p_src_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_src );  \
+        uint32_t u_val_w_m;                          \
+                                                     \
+        asm volatile (                               \
+            "ulw  %[u_val_w_m],  %[p_src_m]  \n\t"   \
+                                                     \
+            : [u_val_w_m] "=r" ( u_val_w_m )         \
+            : [p_src_m] "m" ( *p_src_m )             \
+        );                                           \
+                                                     \
+        u_val_w_m;                                   \
+    } )
+    #if ( __mips == 64 )
+        #define LD( p_src )                              \
+        ( {                                              \
+            uint8_t *p_src_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_src );  \
+            uint64_t u_val_d_m = 0;                      \
+                                                         \
+            asm volatile (                               \
+                "uld  %[u_val_d_m],  %[p_src_m]  \n\t"   \
+                                                         \
+                : [u_val_d_m] "=r" ( u_val_d_m )         \
+                : [p_src_m] "m" ( *p_src_m )             \
+            );                                           \
+                                                         \
+            u_val_d_m;                                   \
+        } )
+    #else  // !( __mips == 64 )
+        #define LD( p_src )                                                  \
+        ( {                                                                  \
+            uint8_t *psrc_m1 = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_src );                      \
+            uint32_t u_val0_m, u_val1_m;                                     \
+            uint64_t u_val_d_m = 0;                                          \
+                                                                             \
+            u_val0_m = LW( psrc_m1 );                                        \
+            u_val1_m = LW( psrc_m1 + 4 );                                    \
+                                                                             \
+            u_val_d_m = ( uint64_t ) ( u_val1_m );                           \
+            u_val_d_m = ( uint64_t ) ( ( u_val_d_m << 32 ) &                 \
+                                       0xFFFFFFFF00000000 );                 \
+            u_val_d_m = ( uint64_t ) ( u_val_d_m | ( uint64_t ) u_val0_m );  \
+                                                                             \
+            u_val_d_m;                                                       \
+        } )
+    #endif  // ( __mips == 64 )
+    #define SH( u_val, p_dst )                       \
+    {                                                \
+        uint8_t *p_dst_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_dst );  \
+        uint16_t u_val_h_m = ( u_val );              \
+                                                     \
+        asm volatile (                               \
+            "ush  %[u_val_h_m],  %[p_dst_m]  \n\t"   \
+                                                     \
+            : [p_dst_m] "=m" ( *p_dst_m )            \
+            : [u_val_h_m] "r" ( u_val_h_m )          \
+        );                                           \
+    }
+    #define SW( u_val, p_dst )                       \
+    {                                                \
+        uint8_t *p_dst_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_dst );  \
+        uint32_t u_val_w_m = ( u_val );              \
+                                                     \
+        asm volatile (                               \
+            "usw  %[u_val_w_m],  %[p_dst_m]  \n\t"   \
+                                                     \
+            : [p_dst_m] "=m" ( *p_dst_m )            \
+            : [u_val_w_m] "r" ( u_val_w_m )          \
+        );                                           \
+    }
+    #define SD( u_val, p_dst )                                                 \
+    {                                                                          \
+        uint8_t *p_dst_m1 = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_dst );                           \
+        uint32_t u_val0_m, u_val1_m;                                           \
+                                                                               \
+        u_val0_m = ( uint32_t ) ( ( u_val ) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF );            \
+        u_val1_m = ( uint32_t ) ( ( ( u_val ) >> 32 ) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF );  \
+                                                                               \
+        SW( u_val0_m, p_dst_m1 );                                              \
+        SW( u_val1_m, p_dst_m1 + 4 );                                          \
+    }
+#endif // ( __mips_isa_rev >= 6 )
+/* Description : Load 4 words with stride
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - psrc    (source pointer to load from)
+                         - stride
+                 Outputs - out0, out1, out2, out3
+   Details     : Load word in 'out0' from (psrc)
+                 Load word in 'out1' from (psrc + stride)
+                 Load word in 'out2' from (psrc + 2 * stride)
+                 Load word in 'out3' from (psrc + 3 * stride)
+#define LW4( p_src, stride, out0, out1, out2, out3 )  \
+{                                                     \
+    out0 = LW( ( p_src ) );                           \
+    out1 = LW( ( p_src ) + stride );                  \
+    out2 = LW( ( p_src ) + 2 * stride );              \
+    out3 = LW( ( p_src ) + 3 * stride );              \
+/* Description : Store 4 words with stride
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride
+   Details     : Store word from 'in0' to (pdst)
+                 Store word from 'in1' to (pdst + stride)
+                 Store word from 'in2' to (pdst + 2 * stride)
+                 Store word from 'in3' to (pdst + 3 * stride)
+#define SW4( in0, in1, in2, in3, p_dst, stride )  \
+{                                                 \
+    SW( in0, ( p_dst ) )                          \
+    SW( in1, ( p_dst ) + stride );                \
+    SW( in2, ( p_dst ) + 2 * stride );            \
+    SW( in3, ( p_dst ) + 3 * stride );            \
+/* Description : Store 4 double words with stride
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3, pdst, stride
+   Details     : Store double word from 'in0' to (pdst)
+                 Store double word from 'in1' to (pdst + stride)
+                 Store double word from 'in2' to (pdst + 2 * stride)
+                 Store double word from 'in3' to (pdst + 3 * stride)
+#define SD4( in0, in1, in2, in3, p_dst, stride )  \
+{                                                 \
+    SD( in0, ( p_dst ) )                          \
+    SD( in1, ( p_dst ) + stride );                \
+    SD( in2, ( p_dst ) + 2 * stride );            \
+    SD( in3, ( p_dst ) + 3 * stride );            \
+/* Description : Load vectors with 16 byte elements with stride
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - psrc    (source pointer to load from)
+                         - stride
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Load 16 byte elements in 'out0' from (psrc)
+                 Load 16 byte elements in 'out1' from (psrc + stride)
+#define LD_B2( RTYPE, p_src, stride, out0, out1 )  \
+{                                                  \
+    out0 = LD_B( RTYPE, ( p_src ) );               \
+    out1 = LD_B( RTYPE, ( p_src ) + stride );      \
+#define LD_UB2( ... ) LD_B2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_SB2( ... ) LD_B2( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_B3( RTYPE, p_src, stride, out0, out1, out2 )  \
+{                                                        \
+    LD_B2( RTYPE, ( p_src ), stride, out0, out1 );       \
+    out2 = LD_B( RTYPE, ( p_src ) + 2 * stride );        \
+#define LD_UB3( ... ) LD_B3( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_SB3( ... ) LD_B3( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_B4( RTYPE, p_src, stride, out0, out1, out2, out3 )     \
+{                                                                 \
+    LD_B2( RTYPE, ( p_src ), stride, out0, out1 );                \
+    LD_B2( RTYPE, ( p_src ) + 2 * stride , stride, out2, out3 );  \
+#define LD_UB4( ... ) LD_B4( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_SB4( ... ) LD_B4( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_B5( RTYPE, p_src, stride, out0, out1, out2, out3, out4 )  \
+{                                                                    \
+    LD_B4( RTYPE, ( p_src ), stride, out0, out1, out2, out3 );       \
+    out4 = LD_B( RTYPE, ( p_src ) + 4 * stride );                    \
+#define LD_UB5( ... ) LD_B5( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_SB5( ... ) LD_B5( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_B8( RTYPE, p_src, stride,                                         \
+               out0, out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7 )              \
+{                                                                            \
+    LD_B4( RTYPE, ( p_src ), stride, out0, out1, out2, out3 );               \
+    LD_B4( RTYPE, ( p_src ) + 4 * stride, stride, out4, out5, out6, out7 );  \
+#define LD_UB8( ... ) LD_B8( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_SB8( ... ) LD_B8( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Load vectors with 8 halfword elements with stride
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - psrc    (source pointer to load from)
+                         - stride
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+   Details     : Load 8 halfword elements in 'out0' from (psrc)
+                 Load 8 halfword elements in 'out1' from (psrc + stride)
+#define LD_H2( RTYPE, p_src, stride, out0, out1 )  \
+{                                                  \
+    out0 = LD_H( RTYPE, ( p_src ) );               \
+    out1 = LD_H( RTYPE, ( p_src ) + ( stride ) );  \
+#define LD_SH2( ... ) LD_H2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_H4( RTYPE, p_src, stride, out0, out1, out2, out3 )    \
+{                                                                \
+    LD_H2( RTYPE, ( p_src ), stride, out0, out1 );               \
+    LD_H2( RTYPE, ( p_src ) + 2 * stride, stride, out2, out3 );  \
+#define LD_SH4( ... ) LD_H4( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define LD_H8( RTYPE, p_src, stride,                                         \
+               out0, out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7 )              \
+{                                                                            \
+    LD_H4( RTYPE, ( p_src ), stride, out0, out1, out2, out3 );               \
+    LD_H4( RTYPE, ( p_src ) + 4 * stride, stride, out4, out5, out6, out7 );  \
+#define LD_SH8( ... ) LD_H8( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Load 4x4 block of signed halfword elements from 1D source
+                 data into 4 vectors (Each vector with 4 signed halfwords)
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - psrc
+                 Outputs - out0, out1, out2, out3
+#define LD4x4_SH( p_src, out0, out1, out2, out3 )                     \
+{                                                                     \
+    out0 = LD_SH( p_src );                                            \
+    out2 = LD_SH( p_src + 8 );                                        \
+    out1 = ( v8i16 ) __msa_ilvl_d( ( v2i64 ) out0, ( v2i64 ) out0 );  \
+    out3 = ( v8i16 ) __msa_ilvl_d( ( v2i64 ) out2, ( v2i64 ) out2 );  \
+/* Description : Load 2 vectors of signed word elements with stride
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - psrc    (source pointer to load from)
+                         - stride
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - signed word
+#define LD_SW2( p_src, stride, out0, out1 )    \
+{                                              \
+    out0 = LD_SW( ( p_src ) );                 \
+    out1 = LD_SW( ( p_src ) + stride );        \
+/* Description : Store vectors of 16 byte elements with stride
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, stride
+                         - pdst    (destination pointer to store to)
+   Details     : Store 16 byte elements from 'in0' to (pdst)
+                 Store 16 byte elements from 'in1' to (pdst + stride)
+#define ST_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, p_dst, stride )  \
+{                                                \
+    ST_B( RTYPE, in0, ( p_dst ) );               \
+    ST_B( RTYPE, in1, ( p_dst ) + stride );      \
+#define ST_UB2( ... ) ST_B2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ST_B4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, p_dst, stride )      \
+{                                                              \
+    ST_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, ( p_dst ), stride );               \
+    ST_B2( RTYPE, in2, in3, ( p_dst ) + 2 * stride, stride );  \
+#define ST_UB4( ... ) ST_B4( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ST_SB4( ... ) ST_B4( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ST_B8( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,            \
+               p_dst, stride )                                           \
+{                                                                        \
+    ST_B4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, p_dst, stride );                   \
+    ST_B4( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, ( p_dst ) + 4 * stride, stride );  \
+#define ST_UB8( ... ) ST_B8( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Store vectors of 8 halfword elements with stride
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, stride
+                         - pdst    (destination pointer to store to)
+   Details     : Store 8 halfword elements from 'in0' to (pdst)
+                 Store 8 halfword elements from 'in1' to (pdst + stride)
+#define ST_H2( RTYPE, in0, in1, p_dst, stride )  \
+{                                                \
+    ST_H( RTYPE, in0, ( p_dst ) );               \
+    ST_H( RTYPE, in1, ( p_dst ) + stride );      \
+#define ST_SH2( ... ) ST_H2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ST_H4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, p_dst, stride )      \
+{                                                              \
+    ST_H2( RTYPE, in0, in1, ( p_dst ), stride );               \
+    ST_H2( RTYPE, in2, in3, ( p_dst ) + 2 * stride, stride );  \
+#define ST_SH4( ... ) ST_H4( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ST_H8( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7, p_dst, stride )  \
+{                                                                              \
+    ST_H4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, ( p_dst ), stride );                     \
+    ST_H4( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, ( p_dst ) + 4 * stride, stride );        \
+#define ST_SH8( ... ) ST_H8( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Store 2x4 byte block to destination memory from input vector
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in, stidx, pdst, stride
+   Details     : Index 'stidx' halfword element from 'in' vector is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst)
+                 Index 'stidx+1' halfword element from 'in' vector is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst + stride)
+                 Index 'stidx+2' halfword element from 'in' vector is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst + 2 * stride)
+                 Index 'stidx+3' halfword element from 'in' vector is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst + 3 * stride)
+#define ST2x4_UB( in, stidx, p_dst, stride )                   \
+{                                                              \
+    uint16_t u_out0_m, u_out1_m, u_out2_m, u_out3_m;           \
+    uint8_t *pblk_2x4_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_dst );             \
+                                                               \
+    u_out0_m = __msa_copy_u_h( ( v8i16 ) in, ( stidx ) );      \
+    u_out1_m = __msa_copy_u_h( ( v8i16 ) in, ( stidx + 1 ) );  \
+    u_out2_m = __msa_copy_u_h( ( v8i16 ) in, ( stidx + 2 ) );  \
+    u_out3_m = __msa_copy_u_h( ( v8i16 ) in, ( stidx + 3 ) );  \
+                                                               \
+    SH( u_out0_m, pblk_2x4_m );                                \
+    SH( u_out1_m, pblk_2x4_m + stride );                       \
+    SH( u_out2_m, pblk_2x4_m + 2 * stride );                   \
+    SH( u_out3_m, pblk_2x4_m + 3 * stride );                   \
+/* Description : Store 4x4 byte block to destination memory from input vector
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, pdst, stride
+   Details     : 'Idx0' word element from input vector 'in0' is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst)
+                 'Idx1' word element from input vector 'in0' is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst + stride)
+                 'Idx2' word element from input vector 'in0' is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst + 2 * stride)
+                 'Idx3' word element from input vector 'in0' is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst + 3 * stride)
+#define ST4x4_UB( in0, in1, idx0, idx1, idx2, idx3, p_dst, stride )     \
+{                                                                       \
+    uint32_t u_out0_m, u_out1_m, u_out2_m, u_out3_m;                    \
+    uint8_t *pblk_4x4_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_dst );                      \
+                                                                        \
+    u_out0_m = __msa_copy_u_w( ( v4i32 ) in0, idx0 );                   \
+    u_out1_m = __msa_copy_u_w( ( v4i32 ) in0, idx1 );                   \
+    u_out2_m = __msa_copy_u_w( ( v4i32 ) in1, idx2 );                   \
+    u_out3_m = __msa_copy_u_w( ( v4i32 ) in1, idx3 );                   \
+                                                                        \
+    SW4( u_out0_m, u_out1_m, u_out2_m, u_out3_m, pblk_4x4_m, stride );  \
+#define ST4x8_UB( in0, in1, p_dst, stride )                           \
+{                                                                     \
+    uint8_t *pblk_4x8 = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_dst );                      \
+                                                                      \
+    ST4x4_UB( in0, in0, 0, 1, 2, 3, pblk_4x8, stride );               \
+    ST4x4_UB( in1, in1, 0, 1, 2, 3, pblk_4x8 + 4 * stride, stride );  \
+/* Description : Store 8x1 byte block to destination memory from input vector
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in, pdst
+   Details     : Index 0 double word element from 'in' vector is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst)
+#define ST8x1_UB( in, p_dst )                      \
+{                                                  \
+    uint64_t u_out0_m;                             \
+    u_out0_m = __msa_copy_u_d( ( v2i64 ) in, 0 );  \
+    SD( u_out0_m, p_dst );                         \
+/* Description : Store 8x4 byte block to destination memory from input
+                 vectors
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, pdst, stride
+   Details     : Index 0 double word element from 'in0' vector is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst)
+                 Index 1 double word element from 'in0' vector is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst + stride)
+                 Index 0 double word element from 'in1' vector is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst + 2 * stride)
+                 Index 1 double word element from 'in1' vector is copied to
+                 GP register and stored to (pdst + 3 * stride)
+#define ST8x4_UB( in0, in1, p_dst, stride )                             \
+{                                                                       \
+    uint64_t u_out0_m, u_out1_m, u_out2_m, u_out3_m;                    \
+    uint8_t *pblk_8x4_m = ( uint8_t * ) ( p_dst );                      \
+                                                                        \
+    u_out0_m = __msa_copy_u_d( ( v2i64 ) in0, 0 );                      \
+    u_out1_m = __msa_copy_u_d( ( v2i64 ) in0, 1 );                      \
+    u_out2_m = __msa_copy_u_d( ( v2i64 ) in1, 0 );                      \
+    u_out3_m = __msa_copy_u_d( ( v2i64 ) in1, 1 );                      \
+                                                                        \
+    SD4( u_out0_m, u_out1_m, u_out2_m, u_out3_m, pblk_8x4_m, stride );  \
+/* Description : average with rounding (in0 + in1 + 1) / 2.
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3,
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Each unsigned byte element from 'in0' vector is added with
+                 each unsigned byte element from 'in1' vector.
+                 Average with rounding is calculated and written to 'out0'
+#define AVER_UB2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )             \
+{                                                                     \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_aver_u_b( ( v16u8 ) in0, ( v16u8 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_aver_u_b( ( v16u8 ) in2, ( v16u8 ) in3 );  \
+#define AVER_UB2_UB( ... ) AVER_UB2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define AVER_UB4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                  out0, out1, out2, out3 )                        \
+{                                                                 \
+    AVER_UB2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )             \
+    AVER_UB2( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3 )             \
+#define AVER_UB4_UB( ... ) AVER_UB4( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Immediate number of elements to slide with zero
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, slide_val
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Byte elements from 'zero_m' vector are slide into 'in0' by
+                 value specified in 'slide_val'
+#define SLDI_B2_0( RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1, slide_val )     \
+{                                                               \
+    v16i8 zero_m = { 0 };                                       \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_sldi_b( ( v16i8 ) zero_m,            \
+                                   ( v16i8 ) in0, slide_val );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_sldi_b( ( v16i8 ) zero_m,            \
+                                   ( v16i8 ) in1, slide_val );  \
+#define SLDI_B2_0_UB( ... ) SLDI_B2_0( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Immediate number of elements to slide
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0_0, in0_1, in1_0, in1_1, slide_val
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Byte elements from 'in0_0' vector are slide into 'in1_0' by
+                 value specified in 'slide_val'
+#define SLDI_B2( RTYPE, in0_0, in0_1, in1_0, in1_1, out0, out1, slide_val )  \
+{                                                                            \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_sldi_b( ( v16i8 ) in0_0, ( v16i8 ) in1_0,         \
+                                   slide_val );                              \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_sldi_b( ( v16i8 ) in0_1, ( v16i8 ) in1_1,         \
+                                   slide_val );                              \
+#define SLDI_B2_UB( ... ) SLDI_B2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Shuffle byte vector elements as per mask vector
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3, mask0, mask1
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Selective byte elements from 'in0' & 'in1' are copied to
+                 'out0' as per control vector 'mask0'
+#define VSHF_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, mask0, mask1, out0, out1 )  \
+{                                                                       \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_vshf_b( ( v16i8 ) mask0,                     \
+                                   ( v16i8 ) in1, ( v16i8 ) in0 );      \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_vshf_b( ( v16i8 ) mask1,                     \
+                                   ( v16i8 ) in3, ( v16i8 ) in2 );      \
+#define VSHF_B2_UB( ... ) VSHF_B2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define VSHF_B2_SB( ... ) VSHF_B2( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Shuffle halfword vector elements as per mask vector
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3, mask0, mask1
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Selective byte elements from 'in0' & 'in1' are copied to
+                 'out0' as per control vector 'mask0'
+#define VSHF_H2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, mask0, mask1, out0, out1 )  \
+{                                                                       \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_vshf_h( ( v8i16 ) mask0,                     \
+                                   ( v8i16 ) in1, ( v8i16 ) in0 );      \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_vshf_h( ( v8i16 ) mask1,                     \
+                                   ( v8i16 ) in3, ( v8i16 ) in2 );      \
+#define VSHF_H2_SH( ... ) VSHF_H2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Dot product of byte vector elements
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - mult0, mult1
+                           cnst0, cnst1
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Unsigned byte elements from 'mult0' are multiplied with
+                 unsigned byte elements from 'cnst0' producing a result
+                 twice the size of input i.e. unsigned halfword.
+                 Multiplication result of adjacent odd-even elements
+                 are added together and written to the 'out0' vector
+#define DOTP_UB2( RTYPE, mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1, out0, out1 )         \
+{                                                                         \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_dotp_u_h( ( v16u8 ) mult0, ( v16u8 ) cnst0 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_dotp_u_h( ( v16u8 ) mult1, ( v16u8 ) cnst1 );  \
+#define DOTP_UB2_UH( ... ) DOTP_UB2( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define DOTP_UB4( RTYPE, mult0, mult1, mult2, mult3,            \
+                  cnst0, cnst1, cnst2, cnst3,                   \
+                  out0, out1, out2, out3 )                      \
+{                                                               \
+    DOTP_UB2( RTYPE, mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1, out0, out1 );  \
+    DOTP_UB2( RTYPE, mult2, mult3, cnst2, cnst3, out2, out3 );  \
+#define DOTP_UB4_UH( ... ) DOTP_UB4( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Dot product of byte vector elements
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - mult0, mult1
+                           cnst0, cnst1
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Signed byte elements from 'mult0' are multiplied with
+                 signed byte elements from 'cnst0' producing a result
+                 twice the size of input i.e. signed halfword.
+                 Multiplication result of adjacent odd-even elements
+                 are added together and written to the 'out0' vector
+#define DPADD_SB2( RTYPE, mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1, out0, out1 )         \
+{                                                                          \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_dpadd_s_h( ( v8i16 ) out0,                      \
+                                      ( v16i8 ) mult0, ( v16i8 ) cnst0 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_dpadd_s_h( ( v8i16 ) out1,                      \
+                                      ( v16i8 ) mult1, ( v16i8 ) cnst1 );  \
+#define DPADD_SB2_SH( ... ) DPADD_SB2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define DPADD_SB4( RTYPE, mult0, mult1, mult2, mult3,                    \
+                   cnst0, cnst1, cnst2, cnst3, out0, out1, out2, out3 )  \
+{                                                                        \
+    DPADD_SB2( RTYPE, mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1, out0, out1 );          \
+    DPADD_SB2( RTYPE, mult2, mult3, cnst2, cnst3, out2, out3 );          \
+#define DPADD_SB4_SH( ... ) DPADD_SB4( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Dot product of halfword vector elements
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - mult0, mult1
+                           cnst0, cnst1
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Signed halfword elements from 'mult0' are multiplied with
+                 signed halfword elements from 'cnst0' producing a result
+                 twice the size of input i.e. signed word.
+                 Multiplication result of adjacent odd-even elements
+                 are added together and written to the 'out0' vector
+#define DPADD_SH2( RTYPE, mult0, mult1, cnst0, cnst1, out0, out1 )         \
+{                                                                          \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_dpadd_s_w( ( v4i32 ) out0,                      \
+                                      ( v8i16 ) mult0, ( v8i16 ) cnst0 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_dpadd_s_w( ( v4i32 ) out1,                      \
+                                      ( v8i16 ) mult1, ( v8i16 ) cnst1 );  \
+#define DPADD_SH2_SW( ... ) DPADD_SH2( v4i32, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Clips all halfword elements of input vector between min & max
+                 out = (in < min) ? min : ((in > max) ? max : in)
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in, min, max
+                 Output - out_m
+                 Return Type - signed halfword
+#define CLIP_SH( in, min, max )                               \
+( {                                                           \
+    v8i16 out_m;                                              \
+                                                              \
+    out_m = __msa_max_s_h( ( v8i16 ) min, ( v8i16 ) in );     \
+    out_m = __msa_min_s_h( ( v8i16 ) max, ( v8i16 ) out_m );  \
+    out_m;                                                    \
+} )
+/* Description : Clips all signed halfword elements of input vector
+                 between 0 & 255
+   Arguments   : Input  - in
+                 Output - out_m
+                 Return Type - signed halfword
+#define CLIP_SH_0_255( in )                                     \
+( {                                                             \
+    v8i16 max_m = __msa_ldi_h( 255 );                           \
+    v8i16 out_m;                                                \
+                                                                \
+    out_m = __msa_maxi_s_h( ( v8i16 ) in, 0 );                  \
+    out_m = __msa_min_s_h( ( v8i16 ) max_m, ( v8i16 ) out_m );  \
+    out_m;                                                      \
+} )
+#define CLIP_SH2_0_255( in0, in1 )  \
+{                                   \
+    in0 = CLIP_SH_0_255( in0 );     \
+    in1 = CLIP_SH_0_255( in1 );     \
+#define CLIP_SH4_0_255( in0, in1, in2, in3 )  \
+{                                             \
+    CLIP_SH2_0_255( in0, in1 );               \
+    CLIP_SH2_0_255( in2, in3 );               \
+/* Description : Horizontal addition of 4 signed word elements of input vector
+   Arguments   : Input  - in       (signed word vector)
+                 Output - sum_m    (i32 sum)
+                 Return Type - signed word (GP)
+   Details     : 4 signed word elements of 'in' vector are added together and
+                 the resulting integer sum is returned
+#define HADD_SW_S32( in )                                   \
+( {                                                         \
+    v2i64 res0_m, res1_m;                                   \
+    int32_t i_sum_m;                                        \
+                                                            \
+    res0_m = __msa_hadd_s_d( ( v4i32 ) in, ( v4i32 ) in );  \
+    res1_m = __msa_splati_d( res0_m, 1 );                   \
+    res0_m = res0_m + res1_m;                               \
+    i_sum_m = __msa_copy_s_w( ( v4i32 ) res0_m, 0 );        \
+    i_sum_m;                                                \
+} )
+/* Description : Horizontal addition of 4 signed word elements of input vector
+   Arguments   : Input  - in       (signed word vector)
+                 Output - sum_m    (i32 sum)
+                 Return Type - signed word (GP)
+   Details     : 4 signed word elements of 'in' vector are added together and
+                 the resulting integer sum is returned
+#define HADD_UH_U32( in )                                      \
+( {                                                            \
+    v4u32 res_m;                                               \
+    v2u64 res0_m, res1_m;                                      \
+    uint32_t u_sum_m;                                          \
+                                                               \
+    res_m = __msa_hadd_u_w( ( v8u16 ) in, ( v8u16 ) in );      \
+    res0_m = __msa_hadd_u_d( res_m, res_m );                   \
+    res1_m = ( v2u64 ) __msa_splati_d( ( v2i64 ) res0_m, 1 );  \
+    res0_m = res0_m + res1_m;                                  \
+    u_sum_m = __msa_copy_u_w( ( v4i32 ) res0_m, 0 );           \
+    u_sum_m;                                                   \
+} )
+/* Description : Horizontal addition of signed byte vector elements
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Each signed odd byte element from 'in0' is added to
+                 even signed byte element from 'in0' (pairwise) and the
+                 halfword result is written in 'out0'
+#define HADD_SB2( RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1 )                       \
+{                                                                     \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_hadd_s_h( ( v16i8 ) in0, ( v16i8 ) in0 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_hadd_s_h( ( v16i8 ) in1, ( v16i8 ) in1 );  \
+#define HADD_SB4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1, out2, out3 )  \
+{                                                                      \
+    HADD_SB2( RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1 );                           \
+    HADD_SB2( RTYPE, in2, in3, out2, out3 );                           \
+#define HADD_SB4_SH( ... ) HADD_SB4( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Horizontal addition of unsigned byte vector elements
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Each unsigned odd byte element from 'in0' is added to
+                 even unsigned byte element from 'in0' (pairwise) and the
+                 halfword result is written to 'out0'
+#define HADD_UB2( RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1 )                       \
+{                                                                     \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_hadd_u_h( ( v16u8 ) in0, ( v16u8 ) in0 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_hadd_u_h( ( v16u8 ) in1, ( v16u8 ) in1 );  \
+#define HADD_UB2_UH( ... ) HADD_UB2( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define HADD_UB4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1, out2, out3 )  \
+{                                                                      \
+    HADD_UB2( RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1 );                           \
+    HADD_UB2( RTYPE, in2, in3, out2, out3 );                           \
+#define HADD_UB4_UH( ... ) HADD_UB4( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Horizontal subtraction of unsigned byte vector elements
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Each unsigned odd byte element from 'in0' is subtracted from
+                 even unsigned byte element from 'in0' (pairwise) and the
+                 halfword result is written to 'out0'
+#define HSUB_UB2( RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1 )                       \
+{                                                                     \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_hsub_u_h( ( v16u8 ) in0, ( v16u8 ) in0 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_hsub_u_h( ( v16u8 ) in1, ( v16u8 ) in1 );  \
+#define HSUB_UB2_SH( ... ) HSUB_UB2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define HSUB_UB4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1, out2, out3 )  \
+{                                                                      \
+    HSUB_UB2( RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1 );                           \
+    HSUB_UB2( RTYPE, in2, in3, out2, out3 );                           \
+#define HSUB_UB4_SH( ... ) HSUB_UB4( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : SAD (Sum of Absolute Difference)
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, ref0, ref1
+                 Outputs - sad_m                 (halfword vector)
+                 Return Type - unsigned halfword
+   Details     : Absolute difference of all the byte elements from 'in0' with
+                 'ref0' is calculated and preserved in 'diff0'. Then even-odd
+                 pairs are added together to generate 8 halfword results.
+#define SAD_UB2_UH( in0, in1, ref0, ref1 )                            \
+( {                                                                   \
+    v16u8 diff0_m, diff1_m;                                           \
+    v8u16 sad_m = { 0 };                                              \
+                                                                      \
+    diff0_m = __msa_asub_u_b( ( v16u8 ) in0, ( v16u8 ) ref0 );        \
+    diff1_m = __msa_asub_u_b( ( v16u8 ) in1, ( v16u8 ) ref1 );        \
+                                                                      \
+    sad_m += __msa_hadd_u_h( ( v16u8 ) diff0_m, ( v16u8 ) diff0_m );  \
+    sad_m += __msa_hadd_u_h( ( v16u8 ) diff1_m, ( v16u8 ) diff1_m );  \
+                                                                      \
+    sad_m;                                                            \
+} )
+/* Description : Set element n input vector to GPR value
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3 (4 input vectors)
+                 Output - out                 (output vector)
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Set element 0 in vector 'out' to value specified in 'in0'
+#define INSERT_W2( RTYPE, in0, in1, out )                     \
+{                                                             \
+    out = ( RTYPE ) __msa_insert_w( ( v4i32 ) out, 0, in0 );  \
+    out = ( RTYPE ) __msa_insert_w( ( v4i32 ) out, 1, in1 );  \
+#define INSERT_W2_SB( ... ) INSERT_W2( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define INSERT_W4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out )           \
+{                                                             \
+    out = ( RTYPE ) __msa_insert_w( ( v4i32 ) out, 0, in0 );  \
+    out = ( RTYPE ) __msa_insert_w( ( v4i32 ) out, 1, in1 );  \
+    out = ( RTYPE ) __msa_insert_w( ( v4i32 ) out, 2, in2 );  \
+    out = ( RTYPE ) __msa_insert_w( ( v4i32 ) out, 3, in3 );  \
+#define INSERT_W4_UB( ... ) INSERT_W4( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define INSERT_W4_SB( ... ) INSERT_W4( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define INSERT_D2( RTYPE, in0, in1, out )                     \
+{                                                             \
+    out = ( RTYPE ) __msa_insert_d( ( v2i64 ) out, 0, in0 );  \
+    out = ( RTYPE ) __msa_insert_d( ( v2i64 ) out, 1, in1 );  \
+#define INSERT_D2_UB( ... ) INSERT_D2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Interleave even halfword elements from vectors
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Even halfword elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+                 and written to 'out0'
+#define ILVEV_H2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                    \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvev_h( ( v8i16 ) in1, ( v8i16 ) in0 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvev_h( ( v8i16 ) in3, ( v8i16 ) in2 );  \
+#define ILVEV_H2_UB( ... ) ILVEV_H2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Interleave even double word elements from vectors
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Even double word elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+                 and written to 'out0'
+#define ILVEV_D2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                    \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvev_d( ( v2i64 ) in1, ( v2i64 ) in0 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvev_d( ( v2i64 ) in3, ( v2i64 ) in2 );  \
+#define ILVEV_D2_UB( ... ) ILVEV_D2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Interleave left half of byte elements from vectors
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Left half of byte elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+                 and written to 'out0'.
+#define ILVL_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                   \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvl_b( ( v16i8 ) in0, ( v16i8 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvl_b( ( v16i8 ) in2, ( v16i8 ) in3 );  \
+#define ILVL_B2_UH( ... ) ILVL_B2( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVL_B2_SH( ... ) ILVL_B2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVL_B4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                 out0, out1, out2, out3 )                        \
+{                                                                \
+    ILVL_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 );            \
+    ILVL_B2( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3 );            \
+#define ILVL_B4_UB( ... ) ILVL_B4( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVL_B4_SB( ... ) ILVL_B4( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVL_B4_UH( ... ) ILVL_B4( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVL_B4_SH( ... ) ILVL_B4( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Interleave left half of halfword elements from vectors
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Left half of halfword elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are
+                 interleaved and written to 'out0'.
+#define ILVL_H2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                   \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvl_h( ( v8i16 ) in0, ( v8i16 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvl_h( ( v8i16 ) in2, ( v8i16 ) in3 );  \
+#define ILVL_H2_SH( ... ) ILVL_H2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVL_H2_SW( ... ) ILVL_H2( v4i32, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVL_H4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                 out0, out1, out2, out3 )                        \
+{                                                                \
+    ILVL_H2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 );            \
+    ILVL_H2( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3 );            \
+#define ILVL_H4_SW( ... ) ILVL_H4( v4i32, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Interleave left half of word elements from vectors
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Left half of word elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+                 and written to 'out0'.
+#define ILVL_W2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                   \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvl_w( ( v4i32 ) in0, ( v4i32 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvl_w( ( v4i32 ) in2, ( v4i32 ) in3 );  \
+#define ILVL_W2_SH( ... ) ILVL_W2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Interleave right half of byte elements from vectors
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Right half of byte elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are interleaved
+                 and written to out0.
+#define ILVR_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                   \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvr_b( ( v16i8 ) in0, ( v16i8 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvr_b( ( v16i8 ) in2, ( v16i8 ) in3 );  \
+#define ILVR_B2_SB( ... ) ILVR_B2( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_B2_UH( ... ) ILVR_B2( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_B2_SH( ... ) ILVR_B2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_B4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                 out0, out1, out2, out3 )                        \
+{                                                                \
+    ILVR_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 );            \
+    ILVR_B2( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3 );            \
+#define ILVR_B4_UB( ... ) ILVR_B4( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_B4_SB( ... ) ILVR_B4( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_B4_UH( ... ) ILVR_B4( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_B4_SH( ... ) ILVR_B4( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Interleave right half of halfword elements from vectors
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Right half of halfword elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are
+                 interleaved and written to 'out0'.
+#define ILVR_H2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                   \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvr_h( ( v8i16 ) in0, ( v8i16 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvr_h( ( v8i16 ) in2, ( v8i16 ) in3 );  \
+#define ILVR_H2_SH( ... ) ILVR_H2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_H2_SW( ... ) ILVR_H2( v4i32, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_H4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                 out0, out1, out2, out3 )                        \
+{                                                                \
+    ILVR_H2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 );            \
+    ILVR_H2( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3 );            \
+#define ILVR_H4_SH( ... ) ILVR_H4( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_H4_SW( ... ) ILVR_H4( v4i32, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_W2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                   \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvr_w( ( v4i32 ) in0, ( v4i32 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvr_w( ( v4i32 ) in2, ( v4i32 ) in3 );  \
+#define ILVR_W2_SH( ... ) ILVR_W2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Interleave right half of double word elements from vectors
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Right half of double word elements of 'in0' and 'in1' are
+                 interleaved and written to 'out0'.
+#define ILVR_D2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )                    \
+{                                                                           \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvr_d( ( v2i64 ) ( in0 ), ( v2i64 ) ( in1 ) );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvr_d( ( v2i64 ) ( in2 ), ( v2i64 ) ( in3 ) );  \
+#define ILVR_D2_UB( ... ) ILVR_D2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_D2_SB( ... ) ILVR_D2( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_D2_SH( ... ) ILVR_D2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVR_D4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                 out0, out1, out2, out3 )                        \
+{                                                                \
+    ILVR_D2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 );            \
+    ILVR_D2( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3 );            \
+#define ILVR_D4_UB( ... ) ILVR_D4( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Interleave both left and right half of input vectors
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Right half of byte elements from 'in0' and 'in1' are
+                 interleaved and written to 'out0'
+#define ILVRL_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1 )                     \
+{                                                                   \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvr_b( ( v16i8 ) in0, ( v16i8 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvl_b( ( v16i8 ) in0, ( v16i8 ) in1 );  \
+#define ILVRL_B2_UB( ... ) ILVRL_B2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVRL_B2_SB( ... ) ILVRL_B2( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVRL_B2_UH( ... ) ILVRL_B2( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVRL_B2_SH( ... ) ILVRL_B2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVRL_B2_SW( ... ) ILVRL_B2( v4i32, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVRL_H2( RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1 )                     \
+{                                                                   \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvr_h( ( v8i16 ) in0, ( v8i16 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvl_h( ( v8i16 ) in0, ( v8i16 ) in1 );  \
+#define ILVRL_H2_SH( ... ) ILVRL_H2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVRL_H2_SW( ... ) ILVRL_H2( v4i32, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVRL_W2( RTYPE, in0, in1, out0, out1 )                     \
+{                                                                   \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvr_w( ( v4i32 ) in0, ( v4i32 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_ilvl_w( ( v4i32 ) in0, ( v4i32 ) in1 );  \
+#define ILVRL_W2_SH( ... ) ILVRL_W2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ILVRL_W2_SW( ... ) ILVRL_W2( v4i32, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Maximum values between signed elements of vector and
+                 5-bit signed immediate value are copied to the output vector
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3, max_val
+                 Outputs - in place operation
+                 Return Type - unsigned halfword
+   Details     : Maximum of signed halfword element values from 'in0' and
+                 'max_val' are written in place
+#define MAXI_SH2( RTYPE, in0, in1, max_val )                       \
+{                                                                  \
+    in0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_maxi_s_h( ( v8i16 ) in0, ( max_val ) );  \
+    in1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_maxi_s_h( ( v8i16 ) in1, ( max_val ) );  \
+#define MAXI_SH2_UH( ... ) MAXI_SH2( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define MAXI_SH2_SH( ... ) MAXI_SH2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define MAXI_SH4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, max_val )  \
+{                                                       \
+    MAXI_SH2( RTYPE, in0, in1, max_val );               \
+    MAXI_SH2( RTYPE, in2, in3, max_val );               \
+#define MAXI_SH4_UH( ... ) MAXI_SH4( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Saturate the halfword element values to the max
+                 unsigned value of (sat_val + 1 bits)
+                 The element data width remains unchanged
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, sat_val
+                 Outputs - in place operation
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Each unsigned halfword element from 'in0' is saturated to the
+                 value generated with (sat_val+1) bit range.
+                 The results are written in place
+#define SAT_UH2( RTYPE, in0, in1, sat_val )                   \
+{                                                             \
+    in0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_sat_u_h( ( v8u16 ) in0, sat_val );  \
+    in1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_sat_u_h( ( v8u16 ) in1, sat_val );  \
+#define SAT_UH2_UH( ... ) SAT_UH2( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define SAT_UH4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, sat_val )  \
+{                                                      \
+    SAT_UH2( RTYPE, in0, in1, sat_val );               \
+    SAT_UH2( RTYPE, in2, in3, sat_val )                \
+#define SAT_UH4_UH( ... ) SAT_UH4( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Saturate the halfword element values to the max
+                 unsigned value of (sat_val+1 bits)
+                 The element data width remains unchanged
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, sat_val
+                 Outputs - in place operation
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Each unsigned halfword element from 'in0' is saturated to the
+                 value generated with (sat_val+1) bit range
+                 The results are written in place
+#define SAT_SH2( RTYPE, in0, in1, sat_val )                   \
+{                                                             \
+    in0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_sat_s_h( ( v8i16 ) in0, sat_val );  \
+    in1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_sat_s_h( ( v8i16 ) in1, sat_val );  \
+#define SAT_SH2_SH( ... ) SAT_SH2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define SAT_SH4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, sat_val )  \
+{                                                      \
+    SAT_SH2( RTYPE, in0, in1, sat_val );               \
+    SAT_SH2( RTYPE, in2, in3, sat_val );               \
+#define SAT_SH4_SH( ... ) SAT_SH4( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Saturate the word element values to the max
+                 unsigned value of (sat_val+1 bits)
+                 The element data width remains unchanged
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, sat_val
+                 Outputs - in place operation
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Each unsigned word element from 'in0' is saturated to the
+                 value generated with (sat_val+1) bit range
+                 The results are written in place
+#define SAT_SW2( RTYPE, in0, in1, sat_val )                   \
+{                                                             \
+    in0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_sat_s_w( ( v4i32 ) in0, sat_val );  \
+    in1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_sat_s_w( ( v4i32 ) in1, sat_val );  \
+#define SAT_SW2_SW( ... ) SAT_SW2( v4i32, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Pack even byte elements of vector pairs
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Even byte elements of 'in0' are copied to the left half of
+                 'out0' & even byte elements of 'in1' are copied to the right
+                 half of 'out0'.
+#define PCKEV_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                    \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_pckev_b( ( v16i8 ) in0, ( v16i8 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_pckev_b( ( v16i8 ) in2, ( v16i8 ) in3 );  \
+#define PCKEV_B2_SB( ... ) PCKEV_B2( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define PCKEV_B2_UB( ... ) PCKEV_B2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define PCKEV_B2_SH( ... ) PCKEV_B2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define PCKEV_B2_SW( ... ) PCKEV_B2( v4i32, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define PCKEV_B3( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, out0, out1, out2 ) \
+{                                                                         \
+    PCKEV_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 );                    \
+    out2 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_pckev_b( ( v16i8 ) in4, ( v16i8 ) in5 );       \
+#define PCKEV_B3_UB( ... ) PCKEV_B3( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define PCKEV_B4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                  out0, out1, out2, out3 )                        \
+{                                                                 \
+    PCKEV_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 );            \
+    PCKEV_B2( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3 );            \
+#define PCKEV_B4_SB( ... ) PCKEV_B4( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define PCKEV_B4_UB( ... ) PCKEV_B4( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Pack even halfword elements of vector pairs
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Even halfword elements of 'in0' are copied to the left half of
+                 'out0' & even halfword elements of 'in1' are copied to the
+                 right half of 'out0'.
+#define PCKEV_H2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                    \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_pckev_h( ( v8i16 ) in0, ( v8i16 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_pckev_h( ( v8i16 ) in2, ( v8i16 ) in3 );  \
+#define PCKEV_H2_SH( ... ) PCKEV_H2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define PCKEV_H4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                  out0, out1, out2, out3 )                        \
+{                                                                 \
+    PCKEV_H2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 );            \
+    PCKEV_H2( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3 );            \
+#define PCKEV_H4_SH( ... ) PCKEV_H4( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Pack even double word elements of vector pairs
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Even double elements of 'in0' are copied to the left half of
+                 'out0' & even double elements of 'in1' are copied to the right
+                 half of 'out0'.
+#define PCKEV_D2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                    \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_pckev_d( ( v2i64 ) in0, ( v2i64 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_pckev_d( ( v2i64 ) in2, ( v2i64 ) in3 );  \
+#define PCKEV_D2_UB( ... ) PCKEV_D2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define PCKEV_D4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                  out0, out1, out2, out3 )                        \
+{                                                                 \
+    PCKEV_D2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 );            \
+    PCKEV_D2( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3 );            \
+#define PCKEV_D4_UB( ... ) PCKEV_D4( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Pack odd byte elements of vector pairs
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Odd byte elements of 'in0' are copied to the left half of
+                 'out0' & odd byte elements of 'in1' are copied to the right
+                 half of 'out0'.
+#define PCKOD_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                    \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_pckod_b( ( v16i8 ) in0, ( v16i8 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_pckod_b( ( v16i8 ) in2, ( v16i8 ) in3 );  \
+#define PCKOD_B2_UB( ... ) PCKOD_B2( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define PCKOD_B4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                  out0, out1, out2, out3 )                        \
+{                                                                 \
+    PCKOD_B2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 );            \
+    PCKOD_B2( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3 );            \
+#define PCKOD_B4_UB( ... ) PCKOD_B4( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Pack odd double word elements of vector pairs
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Odd double word elements of 'in0' are copied to the left half
+                 of 'out0' & odd double word elements of 'in1' are copied to
+                 the right half of 'out0'.
+#define PCKOD_D2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )            \
+{                                                                    \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_pckod_d( ( v2i64 ) in0, ( v2i64 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_pckod_d( ( v2i64 ) in2, ( v2i64 ) in3 );  \
+#define PCKOD_D2_SH( ... ) PCKOD_D2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define PCKOD_D2_SD( ... ) PCKOD_D2( v2i64, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Each byte element is logically xor'ed with immediate 128
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1
+                 Outputs - in place operation
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Each unsigned byte element from input vector 'in0' is
+                 logically xor'ed with 128 and the result is stored in-place.
+#define XORI_B2_128( RTYPE, in0, in1 )                   \
+{                                                        \
+    in0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_xori_b( ( v16u8 ) in0, 128 );  \
+    in1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_xori_b( ( v16u8 ) in1, 128 );  \
+#define XORI_B2_128_UB( ... ) XORI_B2_128( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define XORI_B2_128_SB( ... ) XORI_B2_128( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define XORI_B3_128( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2 )              \
+{                                                        \
+    XORI_B2_128( RTYPE, in0, in1 );                      \
+    in2 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_xori_b( ( v16u8 ) in2, 128 );  \
+#define XORI_B3_128_SB( ... ) XORI_B3_128( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define XORI_B4_128( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3 )  \
+{                                                 \
+    XORI_B2_128( RTYPE, in0, in1 );               \
+    XORI_B2_128( RTYPE, in2, in3 );               \
+#define XORI_B4_128_UB( ... ) XORI_B4_128( v16u8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define XORI_B4_128_SB( ... ) XORI_B4_128( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define XORI_B5_128( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4 )  \
+{                                                      \
+    XORI_B3_128( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2 );               \
+    XORI_B2_128( RTYPE, in3, in4 );                    \
+#define XORI_B5_128_SB( ... ) XORI_B5_128( v16i8, __VA_ARGS__ )
+/* Description : Addition of signed halfword elements and signed saturation
+   Arguments   : Inputs  - in0, in1, in2, in3
+                 Outputs - out0, out1
+                 Return Type - as per RTYPE
+   Details     : Signed halfword elements from 'in0' are added to signed
+                 halfword elements of 'in1'. The result is then signed saturated
+                 between halfword data type range
+#define ADDS_SH2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 )             \
+{                                                                     \
+    out0 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_adds_s_h( ( v8i16 ) in0, ( v8i16 ) in1 );  \
+    out1 = ( RTYPE ) __msa_adds_s_h( ( v8i16 ) in2, ( v8i16 ) in3 );  \
+#define ADDS_SH2_SH( ... ) ADDS_SH2( v8i16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define ADDS_SH4( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,  \
+                  out0, out1, out2, out3 )                        \
+{                                                                 \
+    ADDS_SH2( RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out0, out1 );            \
+    ADDS_SH2( RTYPE, in4, in5, in6, in7, out2, out3 );            \
+#define ADDS_SH4_UH( ... ) ADDS_SH4( v8u16, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#endif  /* X264_MIPS_MACROS_H */

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