[x264-devel] x86: AVX2 mbtree_propagate_list

Henrik Gramner git at videolan.org
Tue Sep 20 20:57:52 CEST 2016

x264 | branch: master | Henrik Gramner <henrik at gramner.com> | Wed Sep  7 19:27:31 2016 +0200| [0ce77f9eb71051c9a6121ec12c2abaac99ee628a] | committer: Anton Mitrofanov

x86: AVX2 mbtree_propagate_list

SIMD part is around 25% faster than AVX on Haswell, around 7%
faster when including the runtime of the scalar C wrapper.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/x264.git/?a=commit;h=0ce77f9eb71051c9a6121ec12c2abaac99ee628a

 common/x86/const-a.asm    |  3 +++
 common/x86/mc-a2.asm      | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 common/x86/mc-c.c         |  2 ++
 common/x86/trellis-64.asm |  6 ++---
 4 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/common/x86/const-a.asm b/common/x86/const-a.asm
index dba36d2..ea61c81 100644
--- a/common/x86/const-a.asm
+++ b/common/x86/const-a.asm
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ const pw_00ff,     times 16 dw 0x00ff
 const pw_pixel_max,times 16 dw ((1 << BIT_DEPTH)-1)
 const pw_0to15,    dw 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
 const pd_1,        times 8 dd 1
+const pd_0123,     dd 0,1,2,3
+const pd_4567,     dd 4,5,6,7
 const deinterleave_shufd, dd 0,4,1,5,2,6,3,7
 const pb_unpackbd1, times 2 db 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3
 const pb_unpackbd2, times 2 db 4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7
@@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ const pw_ppmmppmm, dw 1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1
 const pw_pmpmpmpm, dw 1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1
 const pw_pmmpzzzz, dw 1,-1,-1,1,0,0,0,0
+const pd_8,        times 4 dd 8
 const pd_32,       times 4 dd 32
 const pd_1024,     times 4 dd 1024
 const pd_ffff,     times 4 dd 0xffff
diff --git a/common/x86/mc-a2.asm b/common/x86/mc-a2.asm
index f5c3418..b2b5641 100644
--- a/common/x86/mc-a2.asm
+++ b/common/x86/mc-a2.asm
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ cextern pw_00ff
 cextern pw_3fff
 cextern pw_pixel_max
 cextern pw_0to15
+cextern pd_8
+cextern pd_0123
 cextern pd_ffff
 %macro LOAD_ADD 4
@@ -2178,7 +2180,7 @@ MBTREE_AVX
-; void mbtree_propagate_list_internal( int16_t (*mvs)[2], int *propagate_amount, uint16_t *lowres_costs,
+; void mbtree_propagate_list_internal( int16_t (*mvs)[2], int16_t *propagate_amount, uint16_t *lowres_costs,
 ;                                      int16_t *output, int bipred_weight, int mb_y, int len )
 cglobal mbtree_propagate_list_internal, 4,6,8
@@ -2268,6 +2270,67 @@ MBTREE_PROPAGATE_LIST
+INIT_YMM avx2
+cglobal mbtree_propagate_list_internal, 4+2*UNIX64,5+UNIX64,8
+    mova          xm4, [pw_0xc000]
+%if UNIX64
+    shl           r4d, 9
+    shl           r5d, 16
+    movd          xm5, r4d
+    movd          xm6, r5d
+    vpbroadcastw  xm5, xm5
+    vpbroadcastd   m6, xm6
+    vpbroadcastw  xm5, r4m
+    vpbroadcastd   m6, r5m
+    psllw         xm5, 9             ; bipred_weight << 9
+    pslld          m6, 16
+    mov           r4d, r6m
+    lea            r1, [r1+r4*2]
+    lea            r2, [r2+r4*2]
+    lea            r0, [r0+r4*4]
+    neg            r4
+    por            m6, [pd_0123]     ; 0 y 1 y 2 y 3 y 4 y 5 y 6 y 7 y
+    vbroadcasti128 m7, [pw_31]
+    mova          xm3, [r1+r4*2]
+    pand          xm0, xm4, [r2+r4*2]
+    pmulhrsw      xm1, xm3, xm5      ; bipred_amount = (propagate_amount * bipred_weight + 32) >> 6
+    pcmpeqw       xm0, xm4
+    pblendvb      xm3, xm3, xm1, xm0 ; (lists_used == 3) ? bipred_amount : propagate_amount
+    vpermq         m3, m3, q1100
+    movu           m0, [r0+r4*4]     ; {x, y}
+    vbroadcasti128 m1, [pd_8]
+    psraw          m2, m0, 5
+    paddw          m2, m6            ; {mbx, mby} = ({x, y} >> 5) + {h->mb.i_mb_x, h->mb.i_mb_y}
+    paddw          m6, m1            ; i_mb_x += 8
+    mova         [r3], m2
+    mova           m1, [pw_32]
+    pand           m0, m7
+    psubw          m1, m0
+    packuswb       m1, m0            ; {32-x, 32-y} {x, y} {32-x, 32-y} {x, y}
+    psrlw          m0, m1, 3
+    pand           m1, [pw_00ff]     ; 32-x x 32-x x
+    pandn          m0, m7, m0        ; (32-y y 32-y y) << 5
+    pshufd         m2, m1, q1032
+    pmullw         m1, m0            ; idx0 idx3 idx0 idx3
+    pmullw         m2, m0            ; idx1 idx2 idx1 idx2
+    pmulhrsw       m0, m1, m3        ; (idx0 idx3 idx0 idx3) * propagate_amount + 512 >> 10
+    pmulhrsw       m2, m3            ; (idx1 idx2 idx1 idx2) * propagate_amount + 512 >> 10
+    psignw         m0, m1            ; correct potential overflow in the idx0 input to pmulhrsw
+    punpcklwd      m1, m0, m2        ; idx01weight
+    punpckhwd      m2, m0            ; idx23weight
+    mova      [r3+32], m1
+    mova      [r3+64], m2
+    add            r3, 3*mmsize
+    add            r4, 8
+    jl .loop
+    RET
 %macro MBTREE_FIX8 0
 ; void mbtree_fix8_pack( uint16_t *dst, float *src, int count )
diff --git a/common/x86/mc-c.c b/common/x86/mc-c.c
index 21acdeb..3bff408 100644
--- a/common/x86/mc-c.c
+++ b/common/x86/mc-c.c
@@ -532,6 +532,7 @@ do\
 void x264_mc_init_mmx( int cpu, x264_mc_functions_t *pf )
@@ -843,6 +844,7 @@ void x264_mc_init_mmx( int cpu, x264_mc_functions_t *pf )
     pf->plane_copy_swap = x264_plane_copy_swap_avx2;
     pf->get_ref = get_ref_avx2;
     pf->mbtree_propagate_cost = x264_mbtree_propagate_cost_avx2;
+    pf->mbtree_propagate_list = x264_mbtree_propagate_list_avx2;
     pf->mbtree_fix8_pack      = x264_mbtree_fix8_pack_avx2;
     pf->mbtree_fix8_unpack    = x264_mbtree_fix8_unpack_avx2;
diff --git a/common/x86/trellis-64.asm b/common/x86/trellis-64.asm
index bb1282d..0c25914 100644
--- a/common/x86/trellis-64.asm
+++ b/common/x86/trellis-64.asm
@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@
-pd_8: times 4 dd 8
 pd_m16: times 4 dd -16
-pd_0123: dd 0, 1, 2, 3
-pd_4567: dd 4, 5, 6, 7
 sq_1: dq 1, 0
 pq_128: times 2 dq 128
 pq_ffffffff: times 2 dq 0xffffffff
+cextern pd_8
+cextern pd_0123
+cextern pd_4567
 cextern cabac_entropy
 cextern cabac_transition
 cextern cabac_size_unary

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