[x265-commits] [x265] cli: reorder argument help for clarity, add more sections

Steve Borho steve at borho.org
Thu Jul 24 20:01:57 CEST 2014

details:   http://hg.videolan.org/x265/rev/b78d4dc01e2c
changeset: 7538:b78d4dc01e2c
user:      Steve Borho <steve at borho.org>
date:      Thu Jul 24 12:54:14 2014 -0500
cli: reorder argument help for clarity, add more sections


 source/x265.cpp |  97 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diffs (167 lines):

diff -r 5955c949ef8c -r b78d4dc01e2c source/x265.cpp
--- a/source/x265.cpp	Thu Jul 24 21:45:58 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/x265.cpp	Thu Jul 24 12:54:14 2014 -0500
@@ -320,65 +320,69 @@ void CLIOptions::showHelp(x265_param *pa
     H0("\nExecutable Options:\n");
     H0("-h/--help                        Show this help text and exit\n");
     H0("-V/--version                     Show version info and exit\n");
-    H0("   --[no-]asm <bool|int|string>  Override CPU detection. Default: auto\n");
-    H0("   --threads <integer>           Number of threads for thread pool (0: detect CPU core count, default)\n");
-    H0("-F/--frame-threads <integer>     Number of concurrently encoded frames. 0: auto-determined by core count\n");
+    H0("\nOutput Options:\n");
+    H0("-o/--output <filename>           Bitstream output file name\n");
     H0("   --log-level <string>          Logging level: none error warning info debug full. Default %s\n", logLevelNames[param->logLevel + 1]);
-    H0("   --csv <filename>              Comma separated log file, log level >= 3 frame log, else one line per run\n");
     H0("   --no-progress                 Disable CLI progress reports\n");
     H0("   --[no-]cu-stats               Enable logging stats about distribution of cu across all modes. Default %s\n",OPT(param->bLogCuStats));
-    H0("-o/--output <filename>           Bitstream output file name\n");
+    H0("   --csv <filename>              Comma separated log file, log level >= 3 frame log, else one line per run\n");
     H0("\nInput Options:\n");
     H0("   --input <filename>            Raw YUV or Y4M input file name. `-` for stdin\n");
     H0("   --y4m                         Force parsing of input stream as YUV4MPEG2 regardless of file extension\n");
+    H0("   --fps <float|rational>        Source frame rate (float or num/denom), auto-detected if Y4M\n");
+    H0("   --input-res WxH               Source picture size [w x h], auto-detected if Y4M\n");
     H0("   --input-depth <integer>       Bit-depth of input file. Default 8\n");
+    H0("   --input-csp <string>          Source color space: i420, i444 or i422, auto-detected if Y4M. Default: i420\n");
+    H0("-f/--frames <integer>            Maximum number of frames to encode. Default all\n");
+    H0("   --seek <integer>              First frame to encode\n");
+    H0("   --[no-]interlace <bff|tff>    Indicate input pictures are interlace fields in temporal order. Default progressive\n");
     H0("   --dither                      Enable dither if downscaling to 8 bit pixels. Default disabled\n");
-    H0("   --nr <integer>                An integer value in range of 100 to 1000, which denotes strength of noise reduction. Default disabled\n");
-    H0("   --input-res WxH               Source picture size [w x h], auto-detected if Y4M\n");
-    H0("   --input-csp <string>          Source color space: i420, i444 or i422, auto-detected if Y4M. Default: i420\n");
-    H0("   --profile <string>            Specify the encode profile: main, main10, mainstillpicture\n");
+    H0("\nQuality reporting metrics:\n");
+    H0("   --[no-]ssim                   Enable reporting SSIM metric scores. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableSsim));
+    H0("   --[no-]psnr                   Enable reporting PSNR metric scores. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnablePsnr));
+    H0("\nProfile, Level, Tier:\n");
+    H0("   --profile <string>            Enforce an encode profile: main, main10, mainstillpicture\n");
     H0("   --level-idc <integer|float>   Force a minumum required decoder level (as '5.0' or '50')\n");
     H0("   --[no-]high-tier              If a decoder level is specified, this modifier selects High tier of that level\n");
-    H0("   --fps <float|rational>        Source frame rate (float or num/denom), auto-detected if Y4M\n");
-    H0("   --[no-]interlace <bff|tff>    Indicate input pictures are interlace fields in temporal order. Default progressive\n");
-    H0("   --seek <integer>              First frame to encode\n");
-    H0("   --qpfile <string>             Force frametypes and QPs for some or all frames\n");
-    H0("                                 Format of each line: framenumber frametype QP\n");
-    H0("                                 QP is optional (none lets x265 choose). Frametypes: I,i,P,B,b.\n");
-    H0("                                 QPs are restricted by qpmin/qpmax.\n");
-    H0("   --lambda-file <string>        Specify a file containing replacement values for the lambda tables\n");
-    H0("                                 MAX_MAX_QP+1 floats for lambda table, then again for lambda2 table\n");
-    H0("                                 Blank lines and lines starting with hash(#) are ignored\n");
-    H0("                                 Comma is considered to be white-space\n");
+    H0("\nThreading, performance:\n");
+    H0("   --threads <integer>           Number of threads for thread pool (0: detect CPU core count, default)\n");
+    H0("-F/--frame-threads <integer>     Number of concurrently encoded frames. 0: auto-determined by core count\n");
+    H0("   --[no-]wpp                    Enable Wavefront Parallel Processing. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableWavefront));
+    H0("   --[no-]asm <bool|int|string>  Override CPU detection. Default: auto\n");
-    H0("-f/--frames <integer>            Maximum number of frames to encode. Default all\n");
     H0("-p/--preset <string>             Trade off performance for compression efficiency. Default medium\n");
     H0("                                 ultrafast, superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium, slow, slower, veryslow, or placebo\n");
     H0("-t/--tune <string>               Tune the settings for a particular type of source or situation:\n");
     H0("                                 psnr, ssim, zerolatency, or fastdecode\n");
-    H0("\nQuality reporting metrics:\n");
-    H0("   --[no-]ssim                   Enable reporting SSIM metric scores. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableSsim));
-    H0("   --[no-]psnr                   Enable reporting PSNR metric scores. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnablePsnr));
-    H0("\nQuad-Tree analysis:\n");
-    H0("   --[no-]wpp                    Enable Wavefront Parallel Processing. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableWavefront));
+    H0("\nQuad-Tree size and depth:\n");
     H0("-s/--ctu <64|32|16>              Maximum CU size (default: 64x64). Default %d\n", param->maxCUSize);
     H0("   --tu-intra-depth <integer>    Max TU recursive depth for intra CUs. Default %d\n", param->tuQTMaxIntraDepth);
     H0("   --tu-inter-depth <integer>    Max TU recursive depth for inter CUs. Default %d\n", param->tuQTMaxInterDepth);
+    H0("   --[no-]rect                   Enable rectangular motion partitions Nx2N and 2NxN. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableRectInter));
+    H0("   --[no-]amp                    Enable asymmetric motion partitions, requires --rect. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableAMP));
+    H0("\nAnalysis:\n");
+    H0("   --rd <0..6>                   Level of RD in mode decision 0:least....6:full RDO. Default %d\n", param->rdLevel);
+    H0("   --psy-rd <0..2.0>             Strength of psycho-visual rate distortion optimization, 0 to disable. Default %f\n", param->psyRd);
+    H0("   --nr <integer>                An integer value in range of 100 to 1000, which denotes strength of noise reduction. Default disabled\n");
+    H0("   --[no-]tskip-fast             Enable fast intra transform skipping. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableTSkipFast));
+    H0("   --[no-]early-skip             Enable early SKIP detection. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableEarlySkip));
+    H0("   --[no-]fast-cbf               Enable early outs based on whether residual is coded. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableCbfFastMode));
+    H0("\nCoding tools:\n");
+    H0("-w/--[no-]weightp                Enable weighted prediction in P slices. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableWeightedPred));
+    H0("   --[no-]weightb                Enable weighted prediction in B slices. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableWeightedBiPred));
+    H0("   --[no-]cu-lossless            Consider lossless mode in CU RDO decisions. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bCULossless));
+    H0("   --[no-]signhide               Hide sign bit of one coeff per TU (rdo). Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableSignHiding));
+    H0("   --[no-]tskip                  Enable intra 4x4 transform skipping. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableTransformSkip));
     H0("\nTemporal / motion search options:\n");
     H0("   --me <string>                 Motion search method dia hex umh star full. Default %d\n", param->searchMethod);
     H0("-m/--subme <integer>             Amount of subpel refinement to perform (0:least .. 7:most). Default %d \n", param->subpelRefine);
     H0("   --merange <integer>           Motion search range. Default %d\n", param->searchRange);
-    H0("   --[no-]rect                   Enable rectangular motion partitions Nx2N and 2NxN. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableRectInter));
-    H0("   --[no-]amp                    Enable asymmetric motion partitions, requires --rect. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableAMP));
     H0("   --max-merge <1..5>            Maximum number of merge candidates. Default %d\n", param->maxNumMergeCand);
-    H0("   --[no-]early-skip             Enable early SKIP detection. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableEarlySkip));
-    H0("   --[no-]fast-cbf               Enable Cbf fast mode. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableCbfFastMode));
     H0("\nSpatial / intra options:\n");
-    H0("   --rdpenalty <0..2>            penalty for 32x32 intra TU in non-I slices. 0:disabled 1:RD-penalty 2:maximum. Default %d\n", param->rdPenalty);
-    H0("   --[no-]tskip                  Enable intra transform skipping. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableTransformSkip));
-    H0("   --[no-]tskip-fast             Enable fast intra transform skipping. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableTSkipFast));
     H0("   --[no-]strong-intra-smoothing Enable strong intra smoothing for 32x32 blocks. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableStrongIntraSmoothing));
     H0("   --[no-]constrained-intra      Constrained intra prediction (use only intra coded reference pixels) Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableConstrainedIntra));
+    H0("   --[no-]b-intra                Enable intra in B frames in veryslow presets. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bIntraInBFrames));
+    H0("   --rdpenalty <0..2>            penalty for 32x32 intra TU in non-I slices. 0:disabled 1:RD-penalty 2:maximum. Default %d\n", param->rdPenalty);
     H0("\nSlice decision options:\n");
     H0("   --[no-]open-gop               Enable open-GOP, allows I slices to be non-IDR. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bOpenGOP));
     H0("-I/--keyint <integer>            Max IDR period in frames. -1 for infinite-gop. Default %d\n", param->keyframeMax);
@@ -390,14 +394,16 @@ void CLIOptions::showHelp(x265_param *pa
     H0("   --bframe-bias <integer>       Bias towards B frame decisions. Default %d\n", param->bFrameBias);
     H0("   --b-adapt <0..2>              0 - none, 1 - fast, 2 - full (trellis) adaptive B frame scheduling. Default %d\n", param->bFrameAdaptive);
     H0("   --[no-]b-pyramid              Use B-frames as references. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bBPyramid));
-    H0("   --[no-]b-intra                Enable intra in B frames in veryslow presets. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bIntraInBFrames));
     H0("   --ref <integer>               max number of L0 references to be allowed (1 .. 16) Default %d\n", param->maxNumReferences);
-    H0("-w/--[no-]weightp                Enable weighted prediction in P slices. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableWeightedPred));
-    H0("   --[no-]weightb                Enable weighted prediction in B slices. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableWeightedBiPred));
+    H0("   --qpfile <string>             Force frametypes and QPs for some or all frames\n");
+    H0("                                 Format of each line: framenumber frametype QP\n");
+    H0("                                 QP is optional (none lets x265 choose). Frametypes: I,i,P,B,b.\n");
+    H0("                                 QPs are restricted by qpmin/qpmax.\n");
+    H0("\nRate control, Adaptive Quantization:\n");
+    H0("   --bitrate <integer>           Target bitrate (kbps) for ABR (implied). Default %d\n", param->rc.bitrate);
+    H0("-q/--qp <integer>                QP for P slices in CQP mode (implied). --ipratio and --pbration determine other slice QPs\n");
+    H0("   --crf <float>                 Quality-based VBR (0-51). Default %f\n", param->rc.rfConstant);
     H0("   --[no-]lossless               Enable lossless: bypass transform, quant and loop filters globally. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bLossless));
-    H0("\nRate control and rate distortion options:\n");
-    H0("   --bitrate <integer>           Target bitrate (kbps), implies ABR. Default %d\n", param->rc.bitrate);
-    H0("   --crf <float>                 Quality-based VBR (0-51). Default %f\n", param->rc.rfConstant);
     H0("   --crf-max <float>             With CRF+VBV, limit RF to this value. Default %f\n", param->rc.rfConstantMax);
     H0("                                 May cause VBV underflows!\n");
     H0("   --crf-min <float>             With CRF+VBV, limit RF to this value. Default %f\n", param->rc.rfConstantMin);
@@ -405,7 +411,6 @@ void CLIOptions::showHelp(x265_param *pa
     H0("   --vbv-maxrate <integer>       Max local bitrate (kbit/s). Default %d\n", param->rc.vbvMaxBitrate);
     H0("   --vbv-bufsize <integer>       Set size of the VBV buffer (kbit). Default %d\n", param->rc.vbvBufferSize);
     H0("   --vbv-init <float>            Initial VBV buffer occupancy (fraction of bufsize or in kbits). Default %f\n", param->rc.vbvBufferInit);
-    H0("-q/--qp <integer>                Base QP for CQP mode\n");
     H0("   --aq-mode <integer>           Mode for Adaptive Quantization - 0:none 1:uniform AQ 2:auto variance. Default %d\n", param->rc.aqMode);
     H0("   --aq-strength <float>         Reduces blocking and blurring in flat and textured areas.(0 to 3.0). Default %f\n", param->rc.aqStrength);
     H0("   --[no-]cutree                 Enable cutree for Adaptive Quantization. Default %s\n", OPT(param->rc.cuTree));
@@ -413,16 +418,15 @@ void CLIOptions::showHelp(x265_param *pa
     H0("   --pbratio <float>             QP factor between P and B. Default %f\n", param->rc.pbFactor);
     H0("   --cbqpoffs <integer>          Chroma Cb QP Offset. Default %d\n", param->cbQpOffset);
     H0("   --crqpoffs <integer>          Chroma Cr QP Offset. Default %d\n", param->crQpOffset);
-    H0("   --[no-]hrd                    Enable HRD parameters signalling. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEmitHRDSEI));
-    H0("   --stats                       FileName for stats file in multipass pass rate control. Default x265_2pass.log\n");
+    H0("   --stats                       Filename for stats file in multipass pass rate control. Default x265_2pass.log\n");
     H0("   --pass                        Multi pass rate control.\n"
        "                                   - 1 : First pass, cretes stats file\n"
        "                                   - 2 : Last pass, does not overwrite stats file\n"
        "                                   - 3 : Nth pass, overwrites stats file\n");
-    H0("   --rd <0..6>                   Level of RD in mode decision 0:least....6:full RDO. Default %d\n", param->rdLevel);
-    H0("   --psy-rd <0..2.0>             Strength of psycho-visual optimization. Requires slow preset or below. Default %f\n", param->psyRd);
-    H0("   --[no-]signhide               Hide sign bit of one coeff per TU (rdo). Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableSignHiding));
-    H0("   --[no-]cu-lossless            Consider lossless mode in CU RDO decisions. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bCULossless));
+    H0("   --lambda-file <string>        Specify a file containing replacement values for the lambda tables\n");
+    H0("                                 MAX_MAX_QP+1 floats for lambda table, then again for lambda2 table\n");
+    H0("                                 Blank lines and lines starting with hash(#) are ignored\n");
+    H0("                                 Comma is considered to be white-space\n");
     H0("\nLoop filters (deblock and SAO):\n");
     H0("   --[no-]lft                    Enable Deblocking Loop Filter. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableLoopFilter));
     H0("   --[no-]sao                    Enable Sample Adaptive Offset. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableSAO));
@@ -448,6 +452,7 @@ void CLIOptions::showHelp(x265_param *pa
     H0("\nBitstream options:\n");
     H0("   --[no-]info                   Emit SEI identifying encoder and parameters. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEmitInfoSEI));
     H0("   --[no-]aud                    Emit access unit delimiters at the start of each access unit. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableAccessUnitDelimiters));
+    H0("   --[no-]hrd                    Enable HRD parameters signalling. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEmitHRDSEI));
     H0("   --[no-]repeat-headers         Emit SPS and PPS headers at each keyframe. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bRepeatHeaders));
     H0("   --hash <integer>              Decoded Picture Hash SEI 0: disabled, 1: MD5, 2: CRC, 3: Checksum. Default %d\n", param->decodedPictureHashSEI);
     H0("\nReconstructed video options (debugging):\n");

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