[x265-commits] [x265] search: use chroma reconQt buffer instead of recon pictur...

Steve Borho steve at borho.org
Tue Feb 10 22:50:30 CET 2015

details:   http://hg.videolan.org/x265/rev/9f0324125f53
branches:  stable
changeset: 9336:9f0324125f53
user:      Steve Borho <steve at borho.org>
date:      Tue Feb 10 15:15:13 2015 -0600
search: use chroma reconQt buffer instead of recon picture (not yet updated)

This fixes non-determinism when psy-rd is enabled
Subject: [x265] Merge with stable

details:   http://hg.videolan.org/x265/rev/1ed7dd760d0f
changeset: 9337:1ed7dd760d0f
user:      Steve Borho <steve at borho.org>
date:      Tue Feb 10 15:15:25 2015 -0600
Merge with stable


 doc/reST/cli.rst                 |   19 +-
 doc/reST/threading.rst           |   11 +-
 source/CMakeLists.txt            |   11 +-
 source/common/bitstream.cpp      |    2 +-
 source/common/ipfilter.cpp       |   45 +-
 source/common/param.cpp          |    7 +-
 source/common/picyuv.cpp         |    4 -
 source/common/pixel.cpp          |    2 +-
 source/common/primitives.cpp     |    1 +
 source/common/primitives.h       |   10 +-
 source/common/quant.cpp          |   78 ++++-
 source/common/scalinglist.cpp    |    2 +-
 source/common/shortyuv.cpp       |    6 +-
 source/common/slice.cpp          |    4 +-
 source/common/slice.h            |   11 +-
 source/common/threading.h        |   19 +-
 source/common/x86/blockcopy8.asm |  677 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 source/encoder/analysis.cpp      |   45 ++-
 source/encoder/dpb.cpp           |   44 +-
 source/encoder/dpb.h             |    4 +-
 source/encoder/encoder.cpp       |  173 ++++++++-
 source/encoder/encoder.h         |    2 +-
 source/encoder/entropy.cpp       |   81 ++--
 source/encoder/entropy.h         |    6 +-
 source/encoder/frameencoder.cpp  |   17 +-
 source/encoder/frameencoder.h    |   11 +-
 source/encoder/framefilter.cpp   |    5 +
 source/encoder/level.cpp         |   25 +-
 source/encoder/nal.cpp           |    2 +-
 source/encoder/search.cpp        |  289 ++++++++-------
 source/encoder/search.h          |   89 +++++-
 source/encoder/slicetype.cpp     |   33 +-
 source/encoder/slicetype.h       |   17 +-
 source/output/y4m.cpp            |    8 -
 source/output/yuv.cpp            |    4 -
 source/test/ipfilterharness.cpp  |   73 ++++-
 source/test/ipfilterharness.h    |    4 +-
 source/x265.h                    |   29 +-
 source/x265cli.h                 |    9 +-
 39 files changed, 1287 insertions(+), 592 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 3199 to 300 lines):

diff -r 0d30d2641875 -r 1ed7dd760d0f doc/reST/cli.rst
--- a/doc/reST/cli.rst	Mon Feb 09 16:45:18 2015 -0600
+++ b/doc/reST/cli.rst	Tue Feb 10 15:15:25 2015 -0600
@@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ Performance Options
 	Over-allocation of frame threads will not improve performance, it
 	will generally just increase memory use.
+	**Values:** any value between 8 and 16. Default is 0, auto-detect
 .. option:: --threads <integer>
 	Number of threads to allocate for the worker thread pool  This pool
@@ -409,7 +411,10 @@ Profile, Level, Tier
 	If :option:`--level-idc` has been specified, the option adds the
 	intention to support the High tier of that level. If your specified
 	level does not support a High tier, a warning is issued and this
-	modifier flag is ignored.
+	modifier flag is ignored. If :option:`--level-idc` has been specified,
+	but not --high-tier, then the encoder will attempt to encode at the 
+	specified level, main tier first, turning on high tier only if 
+	necessary and available at that level.
 .. note::
 	:option:`--profile`, :option:`--level-idc`, and
@@ -1357,6 +1362,18 @@ Bitstream options
 	Picture Timing SEI messages providing timing information to the
 	decoder. Default disabled
+.. option:: --temporal-layers,--no-temporal-layers
+	Enable a temporal sub layer. All referenced I/P/B frames are in the
+	base layer and all unreferenced B frames are placed in a temporal
+	sublayer. A decoder may chose to drop the sublayer and only decode
+	and display the base layer slices.
+	If used with a fixed GOP (:option:`b-adapt` 0) and :option:`bframes`
+	3 then the two layers evenly split the frame rate, with a cadence of
+	PbBbP. You probably also want :option:`--no-scenecut` and a keyframe
+	interval that is a multiple of 4.
 .. option:: --aud, --no-aud
 	Emit an access unit delimiter NAL at the start of each slice access
diff -r 0d30d2641875 -r 1ed7dd760d0f doc/reST/threading.rst
--- a/doc/reST/threading.rst	Mon Feb 09 16:45:18 2015 -0600
+++ b/doc/reST/threading.rst	Tue Feb 10 15:15:25 2015 -0600
@@ -125,9 +125,14 @@ The second extenuating circumstance is t
 for motion reference must be processed by the loop filters and the loop
 filters cannot run until a full row has been encoded, and it must run a
 full row behind the encode process so that the pixels below the row
-being filtered are available. When you add up all the row lags each
-frame ends up being 3 CTU rows behind its reference frames (the
-equivalent of 12 macroblock rows for x264)
+being filtered are available. On top of this, HEVC has two loop filters:
+deblocking and SAO, which must be run in series with a row lag between
+them. When you add up all the row lags each frame ends up being 3 CTU
+rows behind its reference frames (the equivalent of 12 macroblock rows
+for x264). And keep in mind the wave-front progression pattern; by the
+time the reference frame finishes the third row of CTUs, nearly half of
+the CTUs in the frame may be compressed (depending on the display aspect
 The third extenuating circumstance is that when a frame being encoded
 becomes blocked by a reference frame row being available, that frame's
diff -r 0d30d2641875 -r 1ed7dd760d0f source/CMakeLists.txt
--- a/source/CMakeLists.txt	Mon Feb 09 16:45:18 2015 -0600
+++ b/source/CMakeLists.txt	Tue Feb 10 15:15:25 2015 -0600
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ include(CheckSymbolExists)
 # X265_BUILD must be incremented each time the public API is changed
-set(X265_BUILD 43)
+set(X265_BUILD 44)
@@ -240,6 +240,11 @@ if(ENABLE_VTUNE)
+option(DETAILED_CU_STATS "Enable internal profiling of encoder work" OFF)
+    add_definitions(-DDETAILED_CU_STATS)
@@ -375,10 +380,10 @@ if(ENABLE_CLI)
         # Xcode seems unable to link the CLI with libs, so link as one targget
-        add_executable(cli ../COPYING ${InputFiles} ${OutputFiles} ${FilterFiles} ${GETOPT} x265.cpp x265.h
+        add_executable(cli ../COPYING ${InputFiles} ${OutputFiles} ${FilterFiles} ${GETOPT} x265.cpp x265.h x265cli.h
                            $<TARGET_OBJECTS:encoder> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:common> ${YASM_OBJS} ${YASM_SRCS})
-        add_executable(cli ../COPYING ${InputFiles} ${OutputFiles} ${FilterFiles} ${GETOPT} ${X265_RC_FILE} x265.cpp x265.h)
+        add_executable(cli ../COPYING ${InputFiles} ${OutputFiles} ${FilterFiles} ${GETOPT} ${X265_RC_FILE} x265.cpp x265.h x265cli.h)
             # The CLI cannot link to the shared library on Windows, it
             # requires internal APIs not exported from the DLL
diff -r 0d30d2641875 -r 1ed7dd760d0f source/common/bitstream.cpp
--- a/source/common/bitstream.cpp	Mon Feb 09 16:45:18 2015 -0600
+++ b/source/common/bitstream.cpp	Tue Feb 10 15:15:25 2015 -0600
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ void Bitstream::push_back(uint8_t val)
         uint8_t *temp = X265_MALLOC(uint8_t, m_byteAlloc * 2);
         if (temp)
-            ::memcpy(temp, m_fifo, m_byteOccupancy);
+            memcpy(temp, m_fifo, m_byteOccupancy);
             m_fifo = temp;
             m_byteAlloc *= 2;
diff -r 0d30d2641875 -r 1ed7dd760d0f source/common/ipfilter.cpp
--- a/source/common/ipfilter.cpp	Mon Feb 09 16:45:18 2015 -0600
+++ b/source/common/ipfilter.cpp	Tue Feb 10 15:15:25 2015 -0600
@@ -34,8 +34,27 @@ using namespace x265;
 namespace {
+template<int dstStride, int width, int height>
+void pixelToShort_c(const pixel* src, intptr_t srcStride, int16_t* dst)
+    int shift = IF_INTERNAL_PREC - X265_DEPTH;
+    int row, col;
+    for (row = 0; row < height; row++)
+    {
+        for (col = 0; col < width; col++)
+        {
+            int16_t val = src[col] << shift;
+            dst[col] = val - (int16_t)IF_INTERNAL_OFFS;
+        }
+        src += srcStride;
+        dst += dstStride;
+    }
 template<int dstStride>
-void filterConvertPelToShort_c(const pixel* src, intptr_t srcStride, int16_t* dst, int width, int height)
+void filterPixelToShort_c(const pixel* src, intptr_t srcStride, int16_t* dst, int width, int height)
     int shift = IF_INTERNAL_PREC - X265_DEPTH;
     int row, col;
@@ -65,8 +84,8 @@ void extendCURowColBorder(pixel* txt, in
-        ::memset(txt - marginX, txt[0], marginX);
-        ::memset(txt + width, txt[width - 1], marginX);
+        memset(txt - marginX, txt[0], marginX);
+        memset(txt + width, txt[width - 1], marginX);
         txt += stride;
@@ -378,7 +397,8 @@ namespace x265 {
     p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vpp = interp_vert_pp_c<4, W, H>;  \
     p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vps = interp_vert_ps_c<4, W, H>;  \
     p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vsp = interp_vert_sp_c<4, W, H>;  \
-    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vss = interp_vert_ss_c<4, W, H>;
+    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vss = interp_vert_ss_c<4, W, H>; \
+    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_ ## W ## x ## H].chroma_p2s = pixelToShort_c<MAX_CU_SIZE / 2, W, H>; 
 #define CHROMA_422(W, H) \
     p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_hpp = interp_horiz_pp_c<4, W, H>; \
@@ -386,7 +406,8 @@ namespace x265 {
     p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vpp = interp_vert_pp_c<4, W, H>;  \
     p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vps = interp_vert_ps_c<4, W, H>;  \
     p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vsp = interp_vert_sp_c<4, W, H>;  \
-    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vss = interp_vert_ss_c<4, W, H>;
+    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vss = interp_vert_ss_c<4, W, H>; \
+    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_ ## W ## x ## H].chroma_p2s = pixelToShort_c<MAX_CU_SIZE / 2, W, H>; 
 #define CHROMA_444(W, H) \
     p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_hpp = interp_horiz_pp_c<4, W, H>; \
@@ -394,7 +415,8 @@ namespace x265 {
     p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vpp = interp_vert_pp_c<4, W, H>;  \
     p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vps = interp_vert_ps_c<4, W, H>;  \
     p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vsp = interp_vert_sp_c<4, W, H>;  \
-    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vss = interp_vert_ss_c<4, W, H>;
+    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_vss = interp_vert_ss_c<4, W, H>; \
+    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].chroma_p2s = pixelToShort_c<MAX_CU_SIZE, W, H>; 
 #define LUMA(W, H) \
     p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].luma_hpp     = interp_horiz_pp_c<8, W, H>; \
@@ -403,7 +425,8 @@ namespace x265 {
     p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].luma_vps     = interp_vert_ps_c<8, W, H>;  \
     p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].luma_vsp     = interp_vert_sp_c<8, W, H>;  \
     p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].luma_vss     = interp_vert_ss_c<8, W, H>;  \
-    p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].luma_hvpp    = interp_hv_pp_c<8, W, H>;
+    p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].luma_hvpp    = interp_hv_pp_c<8, W, H>; \
+    p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].filter_p2s = pixelToShort_c<MAX_CU_SIZE, W, H>
 void setupFilterPrimitives_c(EncoderPrimitives& p)
@@ -507,11 +530,11 @@ void setupFilterPrimitives_c(EncoderPrim
     CHROMA_444(48, 64);
     CHROMA_444(64, 16);
     CHROMA_444(16, 64);
-    p.luma_p2s = filterConvertPelToShort_c<MAX_CU_SIZE>;
+    p.luma_p2s = filterPixelToShort_c<MAX_CU_SIZE>;
-    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].p2s = filterConvertPelToShort_c<MAX_CU_SIZE>;
-    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].p2s = filterConvertPelToShort_c<MAX_CU_SIZE / 2>;
-    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].p2s = filterConvertPelToShort_c<MAX_CU_SIZE / 2>;
+    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].p2s = filterPixelToShort_c<MAX_CU_SIZE>;
+    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].p2s = filterPixelToShort_c<MAX_CU_SIZE / 2>;
+    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].p2s = filterPixelToShort_c<MAX_CU_SIZE / 2>;
     p.extendRowBorder = extendCURowColBorder;
diff -r 0d30d2641875 -r 1ed7dd760d0f source/common/param.cpp
--- a/source/common/param.cpp	Mon Feb 09 16:45:18 2015 -0600
+++ b/source/common/param.cpp	Tue Feb 10 15:15:25 2015 -0600
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ void x265_param_default(x265_param *para
     param->bIntraInBFrames = 0;
     param->bLossless = 0;
     param->bCULossless = 0;
+    param->bEnableTemporalSubLayers = 0;
     /* Rate control options */
     param->rc.vbvMaxBitrate = 0;
@@ -598,6 +599,7 @@ int x265_param_parse(x265_param *p, cons
             p->scenecutThreshold = atoi(value);
+    OPT("temporal-layers") p->bEnableTemporalSubLayers = atobool(value);
     OPT("keyint") p->keyframeMax = atoi(value);
     OPT("min-keyint") p->keyframeMin = atoi(value);
     OPT("rc-lookahead") p->lookaheadDepth = atoi(value);
@@ -992,8 +994,8 @@ int x265_check_params(x265_param *param)
           "subme must be less than or equal to X265_MAX_SUBPEL_LEVEL (7)");
     CHECK(param->subpelRefine < 0,
           "subme must be greater than or equal to 0");
-    CHECK(param->frameNumThreads < 0,
-          "frameNumThreads (--frame-threads) must be 0 or higher");
+    CHECK(param->frameNumThreads < 0 || param->frameNumThreads > X265_MAX_FRAME_THREADS,
+          "frameNumThreads (--frame-threads) must be [0 .. X265_MAX_FRAME_THREADS)");
     CHECK(param->cbQpOffset < -12, "Min. Chroma Cb QP Offset is -12");
     CHECK(param->cbQpOffset >  12, "Max. Chroma Cb QP Offset is  12");
     CHECK(param->crQpOffset < -12, "Min. Chroma Cr QP Offset is -12");
@@ -1309,6 +1311,7 @@ char *x265_param2string(x265_param *p)
     BOOL(p->bEnableConstrainedIntra, "constrained-intra");
     BOOL(p->bEnableFastIntra, "fast-intra");
     BOOL(p->bOpenGOP, "open-gop");
+    BOOL(p->bEnableTemporalSubLayers, "temporal-layers");
     s += sprintf(s, " interlace=%d", p->interlaceMode);
     s += sprintf(s, " keyint=%d", p->keyframeMax);
     s += sprintf(s, " min-keyint=%d", p->keyframeMin);
diff -r 0d30d2641875 -r 1ed7dd760d0f source/common/picyuv.cpp
--- a/source/common/picyuv.cpp	Mon Feb 09 16:45:18 2015 -0600
+++ b/source/common/picyuv.cpp	Tue Feb 10 15:15:25 2015 -0600
@@ -229,9 +229,7 @@ void PicYuv::copyFromPicture(const x265_
         for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
             for (int x = 0; x < padx; x++)
-            {
                 Y[width + x] = Y[width - 1];
-            }
             Y += m_stride;
@@ -257,9 +255,7 @@ void PicYuv::copyFromPicture(const x265_
         pixel *V = m_picOrg[2] + ((height >> m_vChromaShift) - 1) * m_strideC;
         for (int i = 1; i <= pady; i++)
-        {
             memcpy(Y + i * m_stride, Y, (width + padx) * sizeof(pixel));
-        }
         for (int j = 1; j <= pady >> m_vChromaShift; j++)
diff -r 0d30d2641875 -r 1ed7dd760d0f source/common/pixel.cpp
--- a/source/common/pixel.cpp	Mon Feb 09 16:45:18 2015 -0600
+++ b/source/common/pixel.cpp	Tue Feb 10 15:15:25 2015 -0600
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ void weight_sp_c(const int16_t* src, pix
     X265_CHECK(!((w0 << 6) > 32767), "w0 using more than 16 bits, asm output will mismatch\n");
     X265_CHECK(!(round > 32767), "round using more than 16 bits, asm output will mismatch\n");
     X265_CHECK((shift >= correction), "shift must be include factor correction, please update ASM ABI\n");
-    X265_CHECK(!(round & ((1 << correction) - 1)), "round must be include factor correction, please update ASM ABI\n");
+    X265_CHECK(!(round & ((1 << (correction - 1)) - 1)), "round must be include factor correction, please update ASM ABI\n");
     for (y = 0; y <= height - 1; y++)
diff -r 0d30d2641875 -r 1ed7dd760d0f source/common/primitives.cpp
--- a/source/common/primitives.cpp	Mon Feb 09 16:45:18 2015 -0600
+++ b/source/common/primitives.cpp	Tue Feb 10 15:15:25 2015 -0600
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ void setupAliasPrimitives(EncoderPrimiti
         p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].pu[i].copy_pp = p.pu[i].copy_pp;
         p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].pu[i].addAvg  = p.pu[i].addAvg;
         p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].pu[i].satd    = p.pu[i].satd;
+        p.chroma[X265_CSP_I444].pu[i].chroma_p2s = p.pu[i].filter_p2s;
     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CU_SIZES; i++)
diff -r 0d30d2641875 -r 1ed7dd760d0f source/common/primitives.h
--- a/source/common/primitives.h	Mon Feb 09 16:45:18 2015 -0600
+++ b/source/common/primitives.h	Tue Feb 10 15:15:25 2015 -0600
@@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ typedef void (*filter_ps_t) (const pixel

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