[x265-commits] [x265] tests: rdoq-level 2 not supported on the stable branch at...

Steve Borho steve at borho.org
Sat Mar 14 16:28:03 CET 2015

details:   http://hg.videolan.org/x265/rev/46501a627a8d
branches:  stable
changeset: 9728:46501a627a8d
user:      Steve Borho <steve at borho.org>
date:      Sat Mar 14 10:26:59 2015 -0500
tests: rdoq-level 2 not supported on the stable branch at this time
Subject: [x265] Merge with stable

details:   http://hg.videolan.org/x265/rev/c452299ac5f8
changeset: 9729:c452299ac5f8
user:      Steve Borho <steve at borho.org>
date:      Sat Mar 14 10:27:32 2015 -0500
Merge with stable


 doc/reST/cli.rst                         |    297 +-
 doc/reST/presets.rst                     |     17 +-
 doc/reST/threading.rst                   |    100 +-
 readme.rst                               |     14 +
 source/CMakeLists.txt                    |     70 +-
 source/cmake/FindNuma.cmake              |     43 +
 source/common/CMakeLists.txt             |      2 +-
 source/common/bitstream.cpp              |      8 +-
 source/common/common.cpp                 |      4 +
 source/common/common.h                   |      7 +-
 source/common/constants.cpp              |      2 +-
 source/common/constants.h                |      2 +-
 source/common/cudata.cpp                 |    623 +-
 source/common/cudata.h                   |     54 +-
 source/common/dct.cpp                    |     13 +-
 source/common/deblock.cpp                |      4 +-
 source/common/framedata.h                |      2 +
 source/common/intrapred.cpp              |     28 +
 source/common/ipfilter.cpp               |     45 +-
 source/common/lowres.cpp                 |     23 +-
 source/common/lowres.h                   |      3 +-
 source/common/mv.h                       |      9 +-
 source/common/param.cpp                  |     92 +-
 source/common/picyuv.cpp                 |      8 +-
 source/common/pixel.cpp                  |      2 +-
 source/common/predict.cpp                |    344 +-
 source/common/predict.h                  |     60 +-
 source/common/primitives.cpp             |      3 +-
 source/common/primitives.h               |     19 +-
 source/common/quant.cpp                  |    102 +-
 source/common/quant.h                    |      4 +-
 source/common/scalinglist.cpp            |      2 +-
 source/common/shortyuv.cpp               |      6 +-
 source/common/slice.cpp                  |     12 +-
 source/common/slice.h                    |     19 +-
 source/common/threading.h                |     63 +-
 source/common/threadpool.cpp             |    704 +-
 source/common/threadpool.h               |    167 +-
 source/common/wavefront.cpp              |     12 +-
 source/common/wavefront.h                |     11 +-
 source/common/x86/asm-primitives.cpp     |    456 +-
 source/common/x86/blockcopy8.asm         |   1548 +-
 source/common/x86/blockcopy8.h           |     42 +
 source/common/x86/const-a.asm            |     19 +-
 source/common/x86/dct8.asm               |    362 +
 source/common/x86/dct8.h                 |      1 +
 source/common/x86/intrapred.h            |     29 +-
 source/common/x86/intrapred16.asm        |    645 +-
 source/common/x86/intrapred8.asm         |  24666 +---------------------------
 source/common/x86/intrapred8_allangs.asm |  23008 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 source/common/x86/ipfilter16.asm         |   2697 +++-
 source/common/x86/ipfilter8.asm          |   7531 ++++++++-
 source/common/x86/ipfilter8.h            |     30 +-
 source/common/x86/mc-a.asm               |     70 +-
 source/common/x86/pixel-a.asm            |    574 +
 source/common/x86/pixel-util.h           |     12 +-
 source/common/x86/pixel-util8.asm        |    343 +-
 source/common/x86/pixel.h                |     26 +
 source/common/x86/pixeladd8.asm          |    161 +
 source/common/x86/sad-a.asm              |    189 +
 source/encoder/analysis.cpp              |    938 +-
 source/encoder/analysis.h                |     46 +-
 source/encoder/api.cpp                   |      3 +-
 source/encoder/dpb.cpp                   |     44 +-
 source/encoder/dpb.h                     |      4 +-
 source/encoder/encoder.cpp               |    464 +-
 source/encoder/encoder.h                 |      7 +-
 source/encoder/entropy.cpp               |    183 +-
 source/encoder/entropy.h                 |      6 +-
 source/encoder/frameencoder.cpp          |    258 +-
 source/encoder/frameencoder.h            |     29 +-
 source/encoder/framefilter.cpp           |      7 +-
 source/encoder/level.cpp                 |     25 +-
 source/encoder/motion.cpp                |     69 +-
 source/encoder/motion.h                  |      1 +
 source/encoder/nal.cpp                   |      2 +-
 source/encoder/ratecontrol.cpp           |    239 +-
 source/encoder/ratecontrol.h             |    216 +-
 source/encoder/sao.cpp                   |      2 +
 source/encoder/search.cpp                |    935 +-
 source/encoder/search.h                  |    170 +-
 source/encoder/slicetype.cpp             |   1671 +-
 source/encoder/slicetype.h               |    250 +-
 source/encoder/weightPrediction.cpp      |     20 +-
 source/input/y4m.cpp                     |     58 +-
 source/output/y4m.cpp                    |      8 -
 source/output/yuv.cpp                    |      4 -
 source/profile/cpuEvents.h               |      3 +-
 source/test/CMakeLists.txt               |      3 +
 source/test/ipfilterharness.cpp          |     73 +-
 source/test/ipfilterharness.h            |      4 +-
 source/test/mbdstharness.cpp             |     64 +-
 source/test/pixelharness.cpp             |     21 +-
 source/test/regression-tests.txt         |     36 +-
 source/test/testbench.cpp                |      6 +
 source/test/testharness.h                |      2 +-
 source/x265.cpp                          |      4 +-
 source/x265.h                            |    561 +-
 source/x265cli.h                         |     27 +-
 99 files changed, 44215 insertions(+), 27657 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 80236 to 300 lines):

diff -r 4c87b7153913 -r c452299ac5f8 doc/reST/cli.rst
--- a/doc/reST/cli.rst	Fri Mar 13 15:33:02 2015 -0500
+++ b/doc/reST/cli.rst	Sat Mar 14 10:27:32 2015 -0500
@@ -171,19 +171,54 @@ Performance Options
 	Over-allocation of frame threads will not improve performance, it
 	will generally just increase memory use.
-.. option:: --threads <integer>
+	**Values:** any value between 8 and 16. Default is 0, auto-detect
-	Number of threads to allocate for the worker thread pool  This pool
-	is used for WPP and for distributed analysis and motion search:
-	:option:`--wpp` :option:`--pmode` and :option:`--pme` respectively.
+.. option:: --pools <string>, --numa-pools <string>
-	If :option:`--threads` 1 is specified, then no thread pool is
-	created. When no thread pool is created, all the thread pool
-	features are implicitly disabled. If all the pool features are
-	disabled by the user, then the pool is implicitly disabled.
+	Comma seperated list of threads per NUMA node. If "none", then no worker
+	pools are created and only frame parallelism is possible. If NULL or ""
+	(default) x265 will use all available threads on each NUMA node::
-	Default 0, one thread is allocated per detected hardware thread
-	(logical CPU cores)
+	'+'  is a special value indicating all cores detected on the node
+	'*'  is a special value indicating all cores detected on the node and all remaining nodes
+	'-'  is a special value indicating no cores on the node, same as '0'
+	example strings for a 4-node system::
+	""        - default, unspecified, all numa nodes are used for thread pools
+	"*"       - same as default
+	"none"    - no thread pools are created, only frame parallelism possible
+	"-"       - same as "none"
+	"10"      - allocate one pool, using up to 10 cores on node 0
+	"-,+"     - allocate one pool, using all cores on node 1
+	"+,-,+"   - allocate two pools, using all cores on nodes 0 and 2
+	"+,-,+,-" - allocate two pools, using all cores on nodes 0 and 2
+	"-,*"     - allocate three pools, using all cores on nodes 1, 2 and 3
+	"8,8,8,8" - allocate four pools with up to 8 threads in each pool
+	The total number of threads will be determined by the number of threads
+	assigned to all nodes. The worker threads will each be given affinity for
+	their node, they will not be allowed to migrate between nodes, but they
+	will be allowed to move between CPU cores within their node.
+	If the three pool features: :option:`--wpp` :option:`--pmode` and
+	:option:`--pme` are all disabled, then :option:`--pools` is ignored
+	and no thread pools are created.
+	If "none" is specified, then all three of the thread pool features are
+	implicitly disabled.
+	Multiple thread pools will be allocated for any NUMA node with more than
+	64 logical CPU cores. But any given thread pool will always use at most
+	one NUMA node.
+	Frame encoders are distributed between the available thread pools,
+	and the encoder will never generate more thread pools than
+	:option:`--frame-threads`.  The pools are used for WPP and for
+	distributed analysis and motion search.
+	Default "", one thread is allocated per detected hardware thread
+	(logical CPU cores) and one thread pool per NUMA node.
 .. option:: --wpp, --no-wpp
@@ -409,7 +444,17 @@ Profile, Level, Tier
 	If :option:`--level-idc` has been specified, the option adds the
 	intention to support the High tier of that level. If your specified
 	level does not support a High tier, a warning is issued and this
-	modifier flag is ignored.
+	modifier flag is ignored. If :option:`--level-idc` has been specified,
+	but not --high-tier, then the encoder will attempt to encode at the 
+	specified level, main tier first, turning on high tier only if 
+	necessary and available at that level.
+.. option:: --ref <1..16>
+	Max number of L0 references to be allowed. This number has a linear
+	multiplier effect on the amount of work performed in motion search,
+	but will generally have a beneficial affect on compression and
+	distortion. Default 3
 .. note::
 	:option:`--profile`, :option:`--level-idc`, and
@@ -444,7 +489,7 @@ Mode decision / Analysis
 	| 3     | RDO mode and split decisions, chroma residual used for sa8d   |
-	| 4     | Adds RDO Quant                                                |
+	| 4     | Currently same as 3                                           |
 	| 5     | Adds RDO prediction decisions                                 |
@@ -465,6 +510,23 @@ the prediction quad-tree.
 	and less frame parallelism as well. Because of this the faster
 	presets use a CU size of 32. Default: 64
+.. option:: --min-cu-size <64|32|16|8>
+	Minimum CU size (width and height). By using 16 or 32 the encoder
+	will not analyze the cost of CUs below that minimum threshold,
+	saving considerable amounts of compute with a predictable increase
+	in bitrate. This setting has a large effect on performance on the
+	faster presets.
+	Default: 8 (minimum 8x8 CU for HEVC, best compression efficiency)
+.. note::
+	All encoders within a single process must use the same settings for
+	the CU size range. :option:`--ctu` and :option:`--min-cu-size` must
+	be consistent for all of them since the encoder configures several
+	key global data structures based on this range.
 .. option:: --rect, --no-rect
 	Enable analysis of rectangular motion partitions Nx2N and 2NxN
@@ -494,14 +556,6 @@ the prediction quad-tree.
 	Measure full CU size (2Nx2N) merge candidates first; if no residual
 	is found the analysis is short circuited. Default disabled
-.. option:: --fast-cbf, --no-fast-cbf
-	Short circuit analysis if a prediction is found that does not set
-	the coded block flag (aka: no residual was encoded).  It prevents
-	the encoder from perhaps finding other predictions that also have no
-	residual but require less signaling bits or have less distortion.
-	Only applicable for RD levels 5 and 6. Default disabled
 .. option:: --fast-intra, --no-fast-intra
 	Perform an initial scan of every fifth intra angular mode, then
@@ -526,14 +580,6 @@ the prediction quad-tree.
 	Only effective at RD levels 3 and above, which perform RDO mode
-.. option:: --tskip, --no-tskip
-	Enable evaluation of transform skip (bypass DCT but still use
-	quantization) coding for 4x4 TU coded blocks.
-	Only effective at RD levels 3 and above, which perform RDO mode
-	decisions. Default disabled
 .. option:: --tskip-fast, --no-tskip-fast
 	Only evaluate transform skip for NxN intra predictions (4x4 blocks).
@@ -567,6 +613,30 @@ not match.
 Options which affect the transform unit quad-tree, sometimes referred to
 as the residual quad-tree (RQT).
+.. option:: --rdoq-level <0|1|2>, --no-rdoq-level
+	Specify the amount of rate-distortion analysis to use within
+	quantization::
+	At level 0 rate-distortion cost is not considered in quant
+	At level 1 rate-distortion cost is used to find optimal rounding
+	values for each level (and allows psy-rdoq to be effective). It
+	trades-off the signaling cost of the coefficient vs its post-inverse
+	quant distortion from the pre-quant coefficient. When
+	:option:`--psy-rdoq` is enabled, this formula is biased in favor of
+	more energy in the residual (larger coefficient absolute levels)
+	At level 2 rate-distortion cost is used to make decimate decisions
+	on each 4x4 coding group, including the cost of signaling the group
+	within the group bitmap. If the total distortion of not signaling
+	the entire coding group is less than the rate cost, the block is
+	decimated. Next, it applies rate-distortion cost analysis to the
+	last non-zero coefficient, which can result in many (or all) of the
+	coding groups being decimated. Psy-rdoq is less effective at
+	preserving energy when RDOQ is at level 2, since it only has
+	influence over the level distortion costs.
 .. option:: --tu-intra-depth <1..4>
 	The transform unit (residual) quad-tree begins with the same depth
@@ -593,9 +663,76 @@ as the residual quad-tree (RQT).
 	partitions, in which case a TU split is implied and thus the
 	residual quad-tree begins one layer below the CU quad-tree.
+.. option:: --nr-intra <integer>, --nr-inter <integer>
+	Noise reduction - an adaptive deadzone applied after DCT
+	(subtracting from DCT coefficients), before quantization.  It does
+	no pixel-level filtering, doesn't cross DCT block boundaries, has no
+	overlap, The higher the strength value parameter, the more
+	aggressively it will reduce noise.
+	Enabling noise reduction will make outputs diverge between different
+	numbers of frame threads. Outputs will be deterministic but the
+	outputs of -F2 will no longer match the outputs of -F3, etc.
+	**Values:** any value in range of 0 to 2000. Default 0 (disabled).
+.. option:: --tskip, --no-tskip
+	Enable evaluation of transform skip (bypass DCT but still use
+	quantization) coding for 4x4 TU coded blocks.
+	Only effective at RD levels 3 and above, which perform RDO mode
+	decisions. Default disabled
+.. option:: --rdpenalty <0..2>
+	When set to 1, transform units of size 32x32 are given a 4x bit cost
+	penalty compared to smaller transform units, in intra coded CUs in P
+	or B slices.
+	When set to 2, transform units of size 32x32 are not even attempted,
+	unless otherwise required by the maximum recursion depth.  For this
+	option to be effective with 32x32 intra CUs,
+	:option:`--tu-intra-depth` must be at least 2.  For it to be
+	effective with 64x64 intra CUs, :option:`--tu-intra-depth` must be
+	at least 3.
+	Note that in HEVC an intra transform unit (a block of the residual
+	quad-tree) is also a prediction unit, meaning that the intra
+	prediction signal is generated for each TU block, the residual
+	subtracted and then coded. The coding unit simply provides the
+	prediction modes that will be used when predicting all of the
+	transform units within the CU. This means that when you prevent
+	32x32 intra transform units, you are preventing 32x32 intra
+	predictions.
+	Default 0, disabled.
+	**Values:** 0:disabled 1:4x cost penalty 2:force splits
+.. option:: --max-tu-size <32|16|8|4>
+	Maximum TU size (width and height). The residual can be more
+	efficiently compressed by the DCT transform when the max TU size
+	is larger, but at the expense of more computation. Transform unit
+	quad-tree begins at the same depth of the coded tree unit, but if the
+	maximum TU size is smaller than the CU size then transform QT begins 
+	at the depth of the max-tu-size. Default: 32.
 Temporal / motion search options
+.. option:: --max-merge <1..5>
+	Maximum number of neighbor (spatial and temporal) candidate blocks
+	that the encoder may consider for merging motion predictions. If a
+	merge candidate results in no residual, it is immediately selected
+	as a "skip".  Otherwise the merge candidates are tested as part of
+	motion estimation when searching for the least cost inter option.
+	The max candidate number is encoded in the SPS and determines the
+	bit cost of signaling merge CUs. Default 2
 .. option:: --me <integer|string>
 	Motion search method. Generally, the higher the number the harder
@@ -658,16 +795,6 @@ Temporal / motion search options
 	**Range of values:** an integer from 0 to 32768
-.. option:: --max-merge <1..5>
-	Maximum number of neighbor (spatial and temporal) candidate blocks
-	that the encoder may consider for merging motion predictions. If a
-	merge candidate results in no residual, it is immediately selected
-	as a "skip".  Otherwise the merge candidates are tested as part of
-	motion estimation when searching for the least cost inter option.
-	The max candidate number is encoded in the SPS and determines the
-	bit cost of signaling merge CUs. Default 2
 .. option:: --temporal-mvp, --no-temporal-mvp
 	Enable temporal motion vector predictors in P and B slices.
@@ -704,32 +831,6 @@ Spatial/intra options
 	propagation of reference errors that may have resulted from lossy
 	signals. Default disabled
-.. option:: --rdpenalty <0..2>
-	When set to 1, transform units of size 32x32 are given a 4x bit cost
-	penalty compared to smaller transform units, in intra coded CUs in P
-	or B slices.
-	When set to 2, transform units of size 32x32 are not even attempted,
-	unless otherwise required by the maximum recursion depth.  For this
-	option to be effective with 32x32 intra CUs,
-	:option:`--tu-intra-depth` must be at least 2.  For it to be
-	effective with 64x64 intra CUs, :option:`--tu-intra-depth` must be
-	at least 3.
-	Note that in HEVC an intra transform unit (a block of the residual
-	quad-tree) is also a prediction unit, meaning that the intra
-	prediction signal is generated for each TU block, the residual
-	subtracted and then coded. The coding unit simply provides the
-	prediction modes that will be used when predicting all of the
-	transform units within the CU. This means that when you prevent
-	32x32 intra transform units, you are preventing 32x32 intra
-	predictions.

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