[x265] [PATCH] Removed hungarian notation and cleanup for check_quant_primitive test code

praveen at multicorewareinc.com praveen at multicorewareinc.com
Mon Jul 1 11:53:25 CEST 2013

# HG changeset patch
# User praveentiwari
# Date 1372672391 -19800
# Node ID 4eedc88538aa68a0412394c3c5de9f5246233067
# Parent  30c0e5591120904f989953e9c74038253d607e45
Removed hungarian notation and cleanup for check_quant_primitive test code

diff -r 30c0e5591120 -r 4eedc88538aa source/test/mbdstharness.cpp
--- a/source/test/mbdstharness.cpp	Sun Jun 30 00:03:01 2013 -0500
+++ b/source/test/mbdstharness.cpp	Mon Jul 01 15:23:11 2013 +0530
@@ -292,24 +292,24 @@
     for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
-        int iWidth = (rand() % 4 + 1) * 4;
+        int width = (rand() % 4 + 1) * 4;
-        if (iWidth == 12)
+        if (width == 12)
-            iWidth = 32;
+            width = 32;
-        int iHeight = iWidth;
+        int height = width;
-        uint32_t tmp1 = 0;
-        uint32_t tmp2 = 0;
+        uint32_t optReturnValue = 0;
+        uint32_t refReturnValue = 0;
-        int iQBits = rand() % 32;
-        int iAdd = rand() % 2147483647;
-        int cmp_size = sizeof(int) * iHeight * iWidth;
-        int numCoeff = iHeight * iWidth;
+        int bits = rand() % 32;
+        int valueToAdd = rand() % 2147483647;
+        int cmp_size = sizeof(int) * height * width;
+        int numCoeff = height * width;
-        tmp1 = opt(mintbuf1 + j, mintbuf2 + j, mintbuf3, mintbuf4, iQBits, iAdd, numCoeff);
-        tmp2 = ref(mintbuf1 + j, mintbuf2 + j, mintbuf5, mintbuf6, iQBits, iAdd, numCoeff);
+        optReturnValue = opt(mintbuf1 + j, mintbuf2 + j, mintbuf3, mintbuf4, bits, valueToAdd, numCoeff);
+        refReturnValue = ref(mintbuf1 + j, mintbuf2 + j, mintbuf5, mintbuf6, bits, valueToAdd, numCoeff);
         if (memcmp(mintbuf3, mintbuf5, cmp_size))
             return false;
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
         if (memcmp(mintbuf4, mintbuf6, cmp_size))
             return false;
-        if (tmp1 != tmp2)
+        if (optReturnValue != refReturnValue)
             return false;
         j += 16;

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