[Android] Network caching setter does nothing?

Jorge Suárez de Lis yo at jorgesuarezdelis.name
Sun Feb 23 00:49:36 CET 2014

> Try https://bitbucket.org/edwardcw/libvlc-android-sample and add the
> setNetworkCaching() call where required.
> It worked for me when I added setNetworkCaching() there.

I based my code heavily on your example. Anyway, I tried again, just for
double cheking.

- Commented out the SD card part since it was crashing for me
(nullpointerexception, the emulator has no SD card and the example probably
don't handle this very nicely).
- Changed the URL to the /sdcard/a.mp3 to my ogg stream.
- Added the INTERNET permission on the Manifest XML.
- Added mLibVLC.setNetworkCaching(20000); just before

And the problem persists. Maybe the problem is the way I'm compiling my
application and your example. I'm very new to Android and JAVA programming,
so perhaps I'm doing something strange. These are the steps I followed:

- Compiled the library with the compile.sh following the instructions.
- Copied the org.videolan.libvlc source code to the src folder on the
example project. Discarded the other two folders.
- Copied the file libvlcjni.so to the lib/armeabi folder on the example
project. Ignored the other libraries.

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong? Maybe are the other libraries are
required? Sorry If I'm doing strange things, but I've found the
instructions a little confusing for my little knowledge.

Thanks again,
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