[Android] Network caching setter does nothing?

Edward Wang edward.c.wang at compdigitec.com
Sun Feb 23 04:04:50 CET 2014

On 2014-02-22 18:49, Jorge Suárez de Lis <yo at jorgesuarezdelis.name> wrote:
> I based my code heavily on your example. Anyway, I tried again, just 
> for double cheking.
> - Commented out the SD card part since it was crashing for me 
> (nullpointerexception, the emulator has no SD card and the example 
> probably don't handle this very nicely).
> - Changed the URL to the /sdcard/a.mp3 to my ogg stream.
> - Added the INTERNET permission on the Manifest XML.
> - Added mLibVLC.setNetworkCaching(20000); just before 
> mLibVLC.init(MainActivity.this);
> And the problem persists. Maybe the problem is the way I'm compiling 
> my application and your example. I'm very new to Android and JAVA 
> programming, so perhaps I'm doing something strange. These are the 
> steps I followed:
> - Compiled the library with the compile.sh following the instructions.
> - Copied the org.videolan.libvlc source code to the src folder on the 
> example project. Discarded the other two folders.
> - Copied the file libvlcjni.so to the lib/armeabi folder on the 
> example project. Ignored the other libraries.
> Perhaps I'm doing something wrong? Maybe are the other libraries are 
> required? Sorry If I'm doing strange things, but I've found the 
> instructions a little confusing for my little knowledge.

Try posting your logcat logs with a clean build and _lastest_ 

         Edward Wang

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