[Android] Next release ?

Adrien Maglo magsoft at videolan.org
Tue Mar 4 15:41:35 CET 2014

Le 04/03/2014 15:10, Felix Abecassis a écrit :
> I have one major blocking point on my side: depending on the hardware
> decoder, hardware acceleration can still be stuttering for some
> samples (samples with only DTS timestamps). Martin is asking around
> for insights on how to handle this case.
> We have two threads on the forum saying that HW acceleration is stuttering:
> https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=117812
> https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=117821
> However, the log are totally useless so I don't have anymore ideas for
> the moment.

Did you test the competition on these samples with hardware acceleration 


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