[dvblast-devel] dvblast: svn commit r159 (massiot)
Christophe Massiot
cmassiot at openheadend.tv
Mon Oct 4 22:58:38 CEST 2010
Le 4 oct. 2010 à 15:08, Jakub Paweł Głazik a écrit :
>>> Could you be more verbose about this fixes? Should we hurry with
>>> updating our headends ? ;-)
>> There are two bugs that have been fixed in bitstream/dvblast lately :
>> - corruption of psi/si when in the same packet there is the end of a
>> section and the beginning of another (only Canalsat seems to be doing that)
>> - pat, nit and sdt updates are not taken into account
>> So for the last bug I would suggest to upgrade your bitstream/dvblast
>> quickly.
> I have feedback from my users that since friday's update of dvblast
> and bitstream there are audio and video glitches in reception of some
> channels, mainly one music channel which has lowest signal strength on
> my headend (but BER is 0). I've just reverted dvblast and bitstream to
> previous version and are monitoring if it helps. On my desktop seems
> like glitches had disappeared.
> My blind guess is that new dvblast ignored some packets and there were
> 'gaps' in transport stream (demux.c: Do not send erroneous packets to
> the PSI decoder)
This only concerns the PSI tables, not video or audio. Do you have TS discontinuities client-side ? Anything in DVBlast's log ? DVBlast won't discard any packet without telling so.
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