[libdvdnav-devel] [Git][videolan/libdvdread][master] Add missing stream callback functionality

Petri Hintukainen (@hpi) gitlab at videolan.org
Wed Nov 2 08:59:10 UTC 2022

Petri Hintukainen pushed to branch master at VideoLAN / libdvdread

ba2227bb by Vasyl Gello at 2022-10-30T05:03:55+00:00
Add missing stream callback functionality

After the split of libdvdcss from libdvdread,
the stream callback code was moved to libdvdcss.

This went largely unnoticed because most consumers
played their DVD‌ ISO images on the systems with libdvdcss

However, I tested Kodi by playing unencrypted DVD‌ ISO
and noticed the inability to play it.

This code is inspired by stream_* functions in libdvdcss.

Signed-off-by: Vasyl Gello <vasek.gello at gmail.com>

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- src/dvd_input.c


@@ -93,16 +93,21 @@ static int open_win32(const char *path, int flags)
-/* The DVDinput handle, add stuff here for new input methods. */
+/* The DVDinput handle, add stuff here for new input methods.
+ * NOTE: All members of this structure must be initialized in dvd_input_New
+ */
 struct dvd_input_s {
   /* libdvdcss handle */
   dvdcss_t dvdcss;
   /* */
   void *priv;
   dvd_logger_cb *logcb;
+  off_t ipos;
   /* dummy file input */
   int fd;
+  /* stream input */
+  dvd_reader_stream_cb *stream_cb;
 static dvd_input_t dvd_input_New(void *priv, dvd_logger_cb *logcb)
@@ -112,6 +117,12 @@ static dvd_input_t dvd_input_New(void *priv, dvd_logger_cb *logcb)
       dev->priv = priv;
       dev->logcb = logcb;
+      dev->ipos = 0;
+      /* Initialize all inputs to safe defaults */
+      dev->dvdcss = NULL;
+      dev->fd = -1;
+      dev->stream_cb = NULL;
   return dev;
@@ -199,12 +210,10 @@ static int css_close(dvd_input_t dev)
 static dvd_input_t file_open(void *priv, dvd_logger_cb *logcb,
                              const char *target,
-                             dvd_reader_stream_cb *stream_cb UNUSED)
+                             dvd_reader_stream_cb *stream_cb)
   dvd_input_t dev;
-  if(target == NULL)
-    return NULL;
   /* Allocate the library structure */
   dev = dvd_input_New(priv, logcb);
   if(dev == NULL) {
@@ -213,7 +222,23 @@ static dvd_input_t file_open(void *priv, dvd_logger_cb *logcb,
     return NULL;
+  /* Initialize with stream callback if it is specified */
+  if (stream_cb) {
+    if (!stream_cb->pf_read || !stream_cb->pf_seek) {
+      DVDReadLog(priv, logcb, DVD_LOGGER_LEVEL_ERROR,
+                 "Stream callback provided but lacks of pf_read or pf_seek methods.");
+      free(dev);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    dev->stream_cb = stream_cb;
+    return dev;
+  }
   /* Open the device */
+  if(target == NULL) {
+    free(dev);
+    return NULL;
+  }
 #if defined(_WIN32)
   dev->fd = open_win32(target, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
 #elif defined(__OS2__)
@@ -254,14 +279,38 @@ static dvd_input_t file_open(void *priv, dvd_logger_cb *logcb,
 static int file_seek(dvd_input_t dev, int blocks)
-  off_t pos;
+  off_t pos = -1;
+  if(dev->ipos == blocks)
+  {
+    /* We are already in position */
+    return blocks;
+  }
+  if (dev->stream_cb) {
+    /* Returns 0 on successful completion and -1 on error */
+    pos = dev->stream_cb->pf_seek(dev->priv, (off_t)blocks * (off_t)DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN);
+    if (!pos) {
+      dev->ipos = blocks;
+    }
+  } else {
+    /* Returns position as the number of bytes from beginning of file
+     * or -1 on error
+     */
+    pos = lseek(dev->fd, (off_t)blocks * (off_t)DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN, SEEK_SET);
+    if (pos >= 0) {
+      dev->ipos = pos / DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN;
+    }
+  }
-  pos = lseek(dev->fd, (off_t)blocks * (off_t)DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN, SEEK_SET);
   if(pos < 0) {
     return pos;
   /* assert pos % DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN == 0 */
-  return (int) (pos / DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN);
+  return (int) dev->ipos;
@@ -278,36 +327,48 @@ static int file_title(dvd_input_t dev UNUSED, int block UNUSED)
 static int file_read(dvd_input_t dev, void *buffer, int blocks,
 		     int flags UNUSED)
-  size_t len, bytes;
+  size_t len, bytes, blocks_read;
   len = (size_t)blocks * DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN;
   bytes = 0;
+  blocks_read = 0;
   while(len > 0) {
-    ssize_t ret = read(dev->fd, ((char*)buffer) + bytes, len);
+    ssize_t ret = -1;
+    /* Perform read based on the input type */
+    if (dev->stream_cb) {
+      /* Returns the number of bytes read or -1 on error */
+      ret = dev->stream_cb->pf_read(dev->priv, ((char*)buffer) + bytes, len);
+    } else {
+      /* Returns the number of bytes read or -1 on error */
+      ret = read(dev->fd, ((char*)buffer) + bytes, len);
+    }
     if(ret < 0) {
       /* One of the reads failed, too bad.  We won't even bother
        * returning the reads that went OK, and as in the POSIX spec
        * the file position is left unspecified after a failure. */
+      dev->ipos = -1;
       return ret;
     if(ret == 0) {
       /* Nothing more to read.  Return all of the whole blocks, if any.
        * Adjust the file position back to the previous block boundary. */
-      off_t over_read = -(bytes % DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN);
-      off_t pos = lseek(dev->fd, over_read, SEEK_CUR);
-      if(pos % 2048 != 0)
-          DVDReadLog(dev->priv, dev->logcb, DVD_LOGGER_LEVEL_WARN,
-                     "lseek not multiple of 2048! Something is wrong!");
-      return (int) (bytes / DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN);
+      ret = file_seek(dev, dev->ipos + blocks_read);
+      if(ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+      return (int) blocks_read;
     len -= ret;
     bytes += ret;
+    blocks_read = bytes / DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN;
+  dev->ipos += blocks_read;
   return blocks;
@@ -316,16 +377,19 @@ static int file_read(dvd_input_t dev, void *buffer, int blocks,
 static int file_close(dvd_input_t dev)
-  int ret;
+  int ret = 0;
-  ret = close(dev->fd);
+  /* close file if it was open */
+  if (dev->fd >= 0) {
+    ret = close(dev->fd);
+  }
   return ret;
  * Setup read functions with either libdvdcss or minimal DVD access.

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/libdvdread/-/commit/ba2227bb8619724c2bfadcc4d8f25d741a3398ac

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/libdvdread/-/commit/ba2227bb8619724c2bfadcc4d8f25d741a3398ac
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