[streaming] Hauppauge Win TV PVR250 works!

Marian Durkovic md at bts.sk
Tue Feb 25 18:41:04 CET 2003

Hi all,

   recently I've got to work streaming from Hauppauge Win TV PVR250 card.
It's not a clean solution, however seems to work. Here's a mini HOWTO:

1) download linux driver from http://toth.demon.co.uk/pvr250/
2) apply PAL patch, compile and load the driver
3) start player6 and direct its output to FIFO
4) use kfir input of vls but specify the above FIFO as video device




----                                                                  ----
----   Marian Durkovic                       network  manager         ----
----                                                                  ----
----   Slovak Technical University           Tel: +421 2 524 51 301   ----
----   Computer Centre, Nam. Slobody 17      Fax: +421 2 524 94 351   ----
----   812 43 Bratislava, Slovak Republic    E-mail: md at bts.sk        ----
----                                                                  ----
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