[streaming] Re: interoperability matrix

Ernst Schuppe schuppee at erau.edu
Wed Jul 23 17:32:18 CEST 2003

I apologize in advance for my novice questions.  I've been struggling to
locate detailed documentation for the Windows version of VLC that I ran
yesterday.  As a result, I have a couple basic questions I was hoping
someone might be able to answer.

1.  It is not clear to me if VLC can receive traffic from non-VLS sources.
In otherwords, if I know the correct parameters, can I configure VLC to
receive a stream from a Cisco IP/TV server for example.  I tried this by
setting the group address and the destination port for a Cisco IP/TV stream,
but without success. Are there additional parameters that need to be
considerd. For example, can I leave the decoder set to default (i.e. does
VLC automatically select the proper codec?)

2.  In a semi-futile attempt to find a test source on Internet2 I ran the
SAP/SDP feature an got a very short list of servers, compared to when I run
SAP on a Cisco IP/TV client.  Only one on the list was functional, but I was
not able to determine what type of server is at the source.  In addition, I
was wondering if there was a way to actually determine the properties of the
viewed stream (i.e. bandwidth, compression, etc)...I've failed to find this

3. Finally, as a novice to understanding all the components of streaming,
I'm having trouble grasping all the implications of the chart
http://www.videolan.org/vlc/features.html . Are there any good books on the
market that you could recommend that would explain the interaction of these
various pieces?  For example, how does "input format" interact with "video
compression" MPEG-2.  Continuing along the line of thought with items 2,and
3, could I determine the output format of the Cisco server and manually set
it to match the input format on the VLC to make this all work?

thank you in advance

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