[streaming] Re: Telnet session and PERL script

Christopher DeMarco cdemarco at fastmail.fm
Wed Jun 4 04:37:23 CEST 2003

"MICHEL NGUYEN" <michel.nguyen at eturs.u-strasbg.fr> writes:

> I have to stream video captured with my MPEG2 encoder board and I have
> to save the video on the HDD. I tried to do those 2 things with only

Hmm... are you using a kfir-type card?  Try 
cat /dev/video0 > /some/file.mpg

You'll have to ^C the ``cat'' to get it to stop of course...

% You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike.
  Christopher DeMarco
  cdemarco at fastmail.fm
  +6013 389 5658
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