[streaming] TV Tuners?

Christopher DeMarco cdemarco at fastmail.fm
Wed Jun 4 04:42:29 CEST 2003

I need to buy a TV tuner card for  use in PRC.  I'm  not *IN* PRC and in
any case  I  know almost nothing about  how  TV (broadcast/cable/satt or
otherwise) works other than that  there's never anything  good on.  What
questions do I  need to ask my PRC  folks about their source(s) in order
to buy the  "right" card to  work with vls?    NTSC vs. PAL is the  only
thing I do know to ask.  

Thanks guys... 

% You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike.
  Christopher DeMarco
  cdemarco at fastmail.fm
  +6013 389 5658
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